The Energy Body
There is an emerging and continuing field of study on the body’s, bio energy fields and biofields that aims to provide a more scientific foundation for understanding the complex homeodynamic regulation and constantly changing interrelatedness of the body’s complex energy body systems.
A more open-minded approach to the development of integrative medicine and energy healing in general may lead to a better acceptance of complementary therapy.
A more open-minded approach to the development of integrative medicine and energy healing in general may lead to a better acceptance of complementary therapy.
Energy Medicine
By furthering scientific knowledge of the body’s energy fields and biofield, there can be a better understanding of the phenomena described as “energy medicine” and also gain more in-depth knowledge into the foundations of the human biological system.
Research continues into the phenomena of unseen but measurable energy systems in the body throughout many scientific laboratories, healing centres, clinics, integrative medicine research centres, private complementary therapists and energy healing practitioners all over the world.
Research continues into the phenomena of unseen but measurable energy systems in the body throughout many scientific laboratories, healing centres, clinics, integrative medicine research centres, private complementary therapists and energy healing practitioners all over the world.
The Centre for Biofield Sciences
The Centre for Biofield Sciences (CBS) has been at the leading edge of research in attempting to map the human biofield and explore its significance in modern healthcare.
According to CBS who have examined hundreds of holistic healthcare modalities and modern therapeutic tools, the common thread has been, the impact of the interaction between the professional practitioner and their client’s biofield.
“CBS utilizes an array of approved devices to calibrate and quantify the effect of these devices and treatments. These include the Biofield Viewer, Electro photonic Imaging, Medical Thermal Imaging and Electro Intestitial Screening with the ES Complex.”
CBS are currently engaged in funded research into the efficacy of biofield affecting tools and healing modalities, and some of the tools used while conducting the clinical trials in CBS include:
According to CBS who have examined hundreds of holistic healthcare modalities and modern therapeutic tools, the common thread has been, the impact of the interaction between the professional practitioner and their client’s biofield.
“CBS utilizes an array of approved devices to calibrate and quantify the effect of these devices and treatments. These include the Biofield Viewer, Electro photonic Imaging, Medical Thermal Imaging and Electro Intestitial Screening with the ES Complex.”
CBS are currently engaged in funded research into the efficacy of biofield affecting tools and healing modalities, and some of the tools used while conducting the clinical trials in CBS include:
Gas Discharge Visualisation (EPC/GDV)
- ES Complex (FDA certified and the most widely used tool published in peer reviewed journals).
- Gas Discharge Visualisation (EPC/GDV).
- Biofield Viewer (BV) imaging techniques which reveals the condition of the chakras and biofield in full colour.
- Resonant Field Imaging System (the most widely used frequency counter based on the biofield interpretation system.
- Plus Medical Thermal Imaging technology to complement the above set of instruments which all have a common denominator –they are safe, non-invasive, assessment techniques with no harmful radiation or powerful, induced magnetic fields.
The Oisin Healing Clinic in Ireland
Here at The Oisin Healing Clinic in Ireland, the Healing Courses Online team have been researching the body’s biofield on similar lines to the CBS for almost three decades. We have used many diagnostic tools to further our research and one of the most useful tools we have found is the GDV Health Scanner the principal of which is the interpretation of the energy fields of finger images known as Gas Discharge Visualisation.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have used the (EPC/GDV) Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera to make comparisons between before and after Bio Energy Therapy and Sound Healing Therapy sessions.
The information we have derived from the use of (EPC/GDV) the Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera Imaging, plus the experienced gained from many years of live one-to-one bio energy and sound healing therapy sessions plus live training workshops, has allowed us to fine-tune our online training courses in order to provide the highest standards of professional training courses, information, assistance and support during our online courses.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have used the (EPC/GDV) Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera to make comparisons between before and after Bio Energy Therapy and Sound Healing Therapy sessions.
The information we have derived from the use of (EPC/GDV) the Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera Imaging, plus the experienced gained from many years of live one-to-one bio energy and sound healing therapy sessions plus live training workshops, has allowed us to fine-tune our online training courses in order to provide the highest standards of professional training courses, information, assistance and support during our online courses.

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