What is life-force energy?
The energy we call life-force energy is what animates and gives life to our body. When this energy ceases to exist, our bodies cease to exist. When this energy is low, or blocked or stagnant in a particular area of the body, it can lead to many ailments, injury, pain, inflammation, discomfort, illness, sickness or disease.
Life-force energy is also called cellular energy, atomic energy, molecular energy, universal energy, spirit, consciousness, Qi, Chi, Prana, vital energy, bio-energy, life-energy, natural energy, or pure energy. Some people refer to this energy as ‘electromagnetism’ or the electro-magnetic force within and surrounding our bodies.
We can call this energy, life-force energy and many other names but fundamentally it’s all made of the same stuff - energy. These fields of energy that surround our body and permeate throughout our bodies are made of this energy.
When we apply Bio-Energy Therapy or Life-Force Energy Therapy for healing, we are working on the body’s fields of energy. This energy is similar to an electrical supply throughout our bodies via our nervous system.
The energy throughout the body can be likened to the electrical wiring circuitry in our home. If a fault, or a short or blockage develops we call in the electrical engineer who will detect where the fault or blockage is and repair it. In a similar way a bio-energy therapist is trained to know how to identify and detect blockages in the body’s energy system and use various techniques to help clear and balance the energy in an area of the body. Working with sound can help to heal the body no only at a physical level but on different levels of the energy field also; etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This life-force energy circulates throughout or body revitalising our cells and keeping us alive, healthy and well. We are surrounded by energy and energy permeates our body and our very being. Without our life-force energy, we would die. It is this energy we call life-force energy which gives us life and unfortunately too many take this all for granted.
We sometimes take for granted the fact that energy exists in numerous other ways around us each day which we cannot see.
Life-force energy is also called cellular energy, atomic energy, molecular energy, universal energy, spirit, consciousness, Qi, Chi, Prana, vital energy, bio-energy, life-energy, natural energy, or pure energy. Some people refer to this energy as ‘electromagnetism’ or the electro-magnetic force within and surrounding our bodies.
We can call this energy, life-force energy and many other names but fundamentally it’s all made of the same stuff - energy. These fields of energy that surround our body and permeate throughout our bodies are made of this energy.
When we apply Bio-Energy Therapy or Life-Force Energy Therapy for healing, we are working on the body’s fields of energy. This energy is similar to an electrical supply throughout our bodies via our nervous system.
The energy throughout the body can be likened to the electrical wiring circuitry in our home. If a fault, or a short or blockage develops we call in the electrical engineer who will detect where the fault or blockage is and repair it. In a similar way a bio-energy therapist is trained to know how to identify and detect blockages in the body’s energy system and use various techniques to help clear and balance the energy in an area of the body. Working with sound can help to heal the body no only at a physical level but on different levels of the energy field also; etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This life-force energy circulates throughout or body revitalising our cells and keeping us alive, healthy and well. We are surrounded by energy and energy permeates our body and our very being. Without our life-force energy, we would die. It is this energy we call life-force energy which gives us life and unfortunately too many take this all for granted.
We sometimes take for granted the fact that energy exists in numerous other ways around us each day which we cannot see.
- Water is energy
- Wind which is energy
- Gravity which is energy
- Magnetism which is energy
- Electricity is energy
Other sources of energy which we cannot see include;
- Micro-waves
- Sound waves
- Light waves
- Radio waves
- Tv waves
- Mobile phones
- When we engage in any physical activity, we use energy
- Even our thoughts are energy vibrations
How we communicate using energy
We can communicate with someone on the other side of the world using our cell phone. Our cell phones use radio waves to carry and project digital data and your digitised voice via electromagnetic fields of energy (EMF) or oscillating magnetic fields, transporting our communications at the speed of light.
There is no physical connection between the two sources but none-the-less we take it for granted that we can click a button on our phone and immediately speak with a friend thousands of miles away.
I give this introduction because there are so many people who doubt or do not accept the existence of these energy fields. Science accepts the fact that everything we can see with our eyes is made from energy. Science also accepts that much of what we cannot see but can feel, sense and experience is also comprised of energy.
There is no physical connection between the two sources but none-the-less we take it for granted that we can click a button on our phone and immediately speak with a friend thousands of miles away.
I give this introduction because there are so many people who doubt or do not accept the existence of these energy fields. Science accepts the fact that everything we can see with our eyes is made from energy. Science also accepts that much of what we cannot see but can feel, sense and experience is also comprised of energy.
Everything in the universe is energy
Everything in the universe and the cosmos, including everything on our planet, right down to the particles of an atom, and the tinniest components of our cells is made of and comprised of energy. Even our thoughts are energy, and when we think or send out a thought about something or someone we are sending out ‘thought-waves’ of energy to that subject matter or that person. This is why you often hear people say; “Be careful what you wish for, it may manifest quicker than you think.”
If you ask a person how they are feeling today they might reply that they are feeling great today “I feel full of energy” or they may say “I don’t feel that well, my energy is low.”
If you ask a person how they are feeling today they might reply that they are feeling great today “I feel full of energy” or they may say “I don’t feel that well, my energy is low.”
A holistic approach to healing
At the Oísín Healing Centre we use a holistic approach to healing, and we have found that using and applying Bio-Energy Therapy can be beneficial for many ailments, injury, pain, inflammation, discomfort, illness, sickness or disease. The aim of Bio-Energy is to help activate and stimulate healthy physiological activity and healthy blood supply at a cellular level, to help clear and balance blocked or stagnant energy in any area of the body needing healing.
On our certified online training course, you can learn how to apply Oísín Bio-Energy Healing Therapy. Learn at home, or on the move, in your own time at your own pace. Receive a certified Diploma in Bio-Energy Healing Therapy and work with family, friends, or professionally with paying clients.
On our certified online training course, you can learn how to apply Oísín Bio-Energy Healing Therapy. Learn at home, or on the move, in your own time at your own pace. Receive a certified Diploma in Bio-Energy Healing Therapy and work with family, friends, or professionally with paying clients.

Register today and start your holistic energy healing training course journey straight away!