Do you push yourself beyond your limitations?
Follow your intuition and gut feeling
Learn to listen to your body’s signals
What you can do for you?’
Follow your intuition and gut feeling
Learn to listen to your body’s signals
What you can do for you?’
We will illustrate here how you may lose sight of your own personal limits or the limitations of others, consequently suffering serious repercussions. In some cases, this may compromise your health, a relationship, marriage, career, or job.
Do you push yourself beyond your limitations?
Ask yourself the following questions:.
- Have you had a problem or difficulties recognising your limitations?
- Do you push yourself beyond your limitations?
- Or, upon recognising them do you have a problem adhering to them?
- When you say “yes” or “no” do you allow others to change your mind?
- Do you leave it to someone else to decide when you have done enough work, exercise etc?
- Do you go beyond your limitations to the point of overwhelm or physical, emotional or mental break down?
- Are there times when you feel you have been pushed beyond your limitations?
- Do you sometimes feel that this has been happening most of your life?
- Do your friends or family push you beyond your limitations?
- Do other people communicate expectations of you, which you find difficult to achieve?
- As a child did you ever feel that as soon as you have reached the top rung of the ladder, another rung was created for you to climb?
Follow your intuition & gut feeling
How do you take back your power, thus enabling you to decide when enough is enough?
It is important to realise that failing to respect your own limitations may be a learned behaviour pattern. You may have been a child, when your natural ability to recognise your limitations were first taken away from you. However, you can now learn to make the necessary changes when you feel and realise something is not good for you or your health. Learn how to follow your intuition. Learn how to go with your gut feelings and not allow your own, or other people’s logic, to direct or influence your decisions.
You may doubt your intuition and gut feelings at times but if you go with how you are feeling, then that is what is right for you at this point in time. It is important to know your own limitations, it is important to recognise what you like or dislike. How can someone else possibly know, recognise, and respect your limitations if you do not know or respect them yourself? Your achievements in life are solely for you. Your learnings are unique and solely for your life’s purpose.
It is important to realise that failing to respect your own limitations may be a learned behaviour pattern. You may have been a child, when your natural ability to recognise your limitations were first taken away from you. However, you can now learn to make the necessary changes when you feel and realise something is not good for you or your health. Learn how to follow your intuition. Learn how to go with your gut feelings and not allow your own, or other people’s logic, to direct or influence your decisions.
You may doubt your intuition and gut feelings at times but if you go with how you are feeling, then that is what is right for you at this point in time. It is important to know your own limitations, it is important to recognise what you like or dislike. How can someone else possibly know, recognise, and respect your limitations if you do not know or respect them yourself? Your achievements in life are solely for you. Your learnings are unique and solely for your life’s purpose.
Learn to listen to your body’s signals
Our bodies have an intelligence of their own and if each of us could regain our inherent ability to listen to our bodies, and recognise our limitations, we could avoid a lot of stress and illness.
Did you ‘tune-out’ from your body’s pain level at a young age? Pain is the body’s warning system that tells you when something is wrong. If you learned to “tune out” from your body’s pain level at a young age, you may experience more difficulty “tuning in” at a later stage. Your body instinctively knows when it cannot tolerate a particular drink or food or other substance.
- Do you listen to what your body is telling you?
- Do you take a break of your own free will, or does it take an accident or ill health to stop you and allow you to take stock of your life?
- Do you know your limitations, or does someone else tell you when you have had enough alcohol?
- Do you wait until the barperson tells you that you have had enough?
- Or, do you wait until you are out of control on all levels? Do you wait until your brain, liver, and stomach etc, are damaged beyond repair before you begin to realise when enough is enough?
Did you ‘tune-out’ from your body’s pain level at a young age? Pain is the body’s warning system that tells you when something is wrong. If you learned to “tune out” from your body’s pain level at a young age, you may experience more difficulty “tuning in” at a later stage. Your body instinctively knows when it cannot tolerate a particular drink or food or other substance.
- When you eat, do you know your limitations?
- Do you eat what you feel like eating or do you eat the food others recommend you should eat even if it makes you feel unwell?
- When you were young your natural instincts were telling you what foods or drinks agreed and did not agree with your system.
- You may have been told to eat certain foods, despite getting stomach cramps, – because your parents believed this food was good for you.
What you can do for you?
In today’s world it is vitally important to learn ways to take better care of yourself, physically emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It may also be a time to start evaluating your life and your life purpose and learn how you can self-heal your body, mind & spirit. This can be achieved by recognising your limitations, following your intuition and gut feelings, and having a holistic approach to your overall health and wellbeing.
When you learn how to recognise your own limitations, you can take better care of yourself and be better prepared to take care of those around you when necessary.
You may have been a child when you first experienced lack of limitations, but you may now be an adult who can create your own limitations for better health and well-being.
Read further helpful information in our Self-Healing Articles.
When you learn how to recognise your own limitations, you can take better care of yourself and be better prepared to take care of those around you when necessary.
You may have been a child when you first experienced lack of limitations, but you may now be an adult who can create your own limitations for better health and well-being.
Read further helpful information in our Self-Healing Articles.

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