Entrainment Is the Basis of Sound Healing Therapy to the Human Body

Entrainment Is the Basis of Sound Healing Therapy to the Human Body

Our bodies are made of vibrating energy

Science now understands and accepts that everything in the universe is vibration, and at a quantum level everything in the universe is comprised of vibrating energy fields with atoms and molecules and a large percentage of molecular or kinetic energy making up our bodies.

Atoms make up approximately 99% of our body. Within each atom electrons spin in an ‘orbiting field’ around the nucleus. If this ‘orbiting space’ was a football stadium, the nucleus would only be the size of a one cent coin, which accounts for so many theorists stating that this space within an atom is pure energy.

One thing we can be sure of is that our body cannot survive without this unseen energy that exists within our cells and molecules and probably accounts for the fact that science ow recognises that the body is mainly comprised of energy, vibrating energy fields.

Furthermore, not only is the largest proportion of the human body composed of energy and these vibrating energy fields, but our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and our emotions are comprised of subtle energy and are vibrating fields of energy as well.

All sound is vibrations of one kind or another

When we look at sound healing and ask how sound therapy works, it’s important to look at what sound is. All sound is vibrations of one kind or another, and all vibrations create sound. Sound is vibration. You cannot make a sound that is silent.

When our body is suffering from illness, sickness or disease there is disharmony at some level. This can be at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. The sooner we can get our body back into harmony on some or all of these levels, the sooner we feel well, balanced and healthy again. When one is feeling healthy I have heard some people say “I feel sound now.”

This expression of “feeling sound” brings us nicely into our introduction to “sound healing therapy.”

The human body wants to be healthy

The human body wants to be healthy and wants to be in harmony. In order for our physical body to be in harmony with itself, it must first of all be in harmony at a cellular level and even deeper than that, at a molecular and atomic level. At this quantum level of physics everything is comprised of energy and vibrating energy fields.

When we are healthy, systems of the body including the cardiovascular system / circulatory system, endocrine system, digestive system, immune system, nervous system, muscular system, lymphatic system, skeletal system, urinary and excretory system, plus all organs, glands, tissue and cells are all operating efficiently, healthily and in harmony

The use of sound healing instruments such as, gongs, tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls and crystal quartz bowls and the human voice have been in use for centuries to assist the healing process in the human body. .

Entrainment is the basis of sound healing therapy

The law of entrainment is the basis of sound healing therapy when applied to the human body. The physics law of entrainment shows how a strong and powerful vibrating force can influence a weaker vibrating force.

The pure tones of sound healing instruments when played harmoniously, can create waves of vibrating energy fields to help bring the body or systems, organs or areas of the body that might be ‘out of balance’ or ‘out of harmony’ – back into balance and back into harmony. This is where the physics law of entrainment using strong and harmonious waves of sound and vibration can help harmonise any imbalances in the body to bring about improved health and well-being.

It is believed and understood that the physical body responds to emotional stimuli, so it is understandable that healing harmonious sound vibrations and frequencies that can have a healing effect on the emotional body, can also have a healing effect on all levels of the human body’s energy field; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
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