Kristin - Birmingham, UK


I am so thankful to you for this online self healing training course. I was out of work through illness and physically, emotionally and mentally I was at a very low place in my life. I searched for ‘self healing’ and found your course. This was a blessing in disguise. As I watched the therapy training videos I began to realise that I was in control of my own life and my own outcomes.

The more I was learning, the more I realised that I had gotten myself into a rut and that much of my present situation had been brought about by my own actions and attitudes.

As I worked my way through this online course I was inspired more and more and began to feel uplifted and self-empowered. I learned that there was so much I could do for myself. To help me with my mental and emotional problems, I could start by clearing and balancing my own chakras and my overall bio energy field.

I could see that I had the power to change, pick myself up, and set new and exciting goals for myself with so many avenues I could take. My mind began filling with possibilities for improvements in my life.

I followed many of the guidelines given in the lecture videos which really helped me to relax, focus and be in the present and reading the bonus e- book Be Your Own Therapist provided great spiritual guidance.

For me this self healing training course has transformed my life and I feel better now physically, emotionally and mentally and I am becoming stronger and healthier. Thank you so much for showing me a new way to approach my life.

More Testimonials

Estelle – Bordeaux, France

I found this bio energy healing training course online and completed the course from the comfort of my own home. The video demonstration lectures were easy to follow and understand. I always had an interest in bio energy healing as a therapy and have attended regularly myself.

Jeremiah - Turin, Spain

I have always had an interest in sound and music and I’ve always wanted to be a sound healer. I loved every aspect of your sound healing online training course. My gut feeling has led me to where I am now a certified sound healing therapist and received my accredited diploma. 

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