At a cellular level the human body is a complex energy field system

At a cellular level the human body is a complex energy field system

How does energy healing work?

The holistic practice of energy healing works on the scientific understanding that the human body is comprised of energy and interweaving energy fields. When the energy flow in these energetic fields become blocked, it can lead to sickness, illness or disease.

At a quantum level, when the human body is broken down into its elementary particles, scientists suggest that there could be approximately100 trillion cells within our body, with about 100 trillion atoms in each cell and at the heart of these atoms is pure energy.

Albert Einstein’s well-known equation E = mc2 documented that all mass, (meaning matter), is comprised of an equal amount of energy. This pre-supposes that whilst our body might appear to be solid, it is in fact comprised of energy and vibrating energy fields at a quantum level of understanding.

Why energy therapy is becoming more popular

For many people energy therapy has become the go-to form of therapy when they have exhausted other options and need to look further into a particular health concern or condition.

Science now accepts that this is what we are fundamentally made of energy.  Energy is our life-force and this is what keeps us alive. Without this energy we would not live, we would not exist. When this energy is flowing uninterrupted, we are healthy, full of energy and vitality. However, when this life-force energy becomes interrupted or stagnant due to physical injury or disease, or mental or emotional problems such as stress, anxiety, fear or trauma, we can become sick and unwell.

Dr Richard Gerber MD in his book Vibrational Medicine

Dr Richard Gerber MD in his book Vibrational Medicine describes the human body at a cellular level as being a complex energy interference system, interpenetrated by bio energetic fields of the etheric body. Gerber further describes this subtle energy as the life-force that creates structural organisation of molecular components. “This life-force creates order in living systems and constantly renews its cellular vehicle of expression.” It becomes clear that this life-force which animates the body is comprised of vibrating energy fields constantly in motion.

Learning how to feel and sense energy

It is these fields of energy that an energy healer or bio energetic therapist will focus on during an energy healing session.

A holistic practitioner who has trained in bio energy therapy will learn energy healing techniques using their hands to work on and off the client’s body. These techniques involve learning how to feel and sense these subtle life-force fields of energy to determine where there could be blockages that might be causing this person’s health problems.

They may then continue with specific, learned techniques designed to help activate and stimulate healthy physiological activity at a cellular level, and clear and balance the energy fields of the person’s body.

Potential health benefits of bio energy healing therapy

The potential health benefits of bio energy therapy:
  • Assist the body’s inner healing process for pain or injuries
  • Relax the physical body thereby helping to release tense and tight muscles in the upper back lower back, spine, and limbs
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, panic, fears, shock & trauma
  • Help blood supply and improve circulation throughout the overall body
  • Relax the overall body to help improve sleep patterns
  • It can help assist the body’s recovery from illnesses such as cancer, gangrene, depression
  • Help boost the immune system, assisting the body’s fight against viruses and disease
  • Clear and balance the seven main chakras to help heal emotional issues
Our Bio Energy Therapy Online Training Diploma Course looks at the energy anatomy structure of the body, outlining the importance of healthy energy flow throughout our body. In this way bio energy therapy can be an aid to improving and maintaining better health and well-being.

The course shows the importance of understanding that everything in the universe is made of energy, including our bodies, and with this knowledge you will begin to understand how and why energy therapy has the potential to help in the treatment of physical and emotional ill-health.

This holistic online training course explores in detail how injuries in one area of the body can have an effect on many other areas of the body, and also looks at the relationship between the back and spine, the nerves that exit the vertebrae and their connection with organs, limbs and systems of the body.

Most importantly this course shows the many methods used to help combat sickness, and ill-health by offering techniques you can learn to help with physical problems such as aches, pain and injuries. It also looks in detail at the seven main chakras associated with emotional health problems and concerns such as stress, anxiety, fears and trauma.

Our holistic online course features 90 video training modules & lectures, demonstrating and presenting bio energy techniques, in an easy to follow, easy to understand and easy to learn format, making it the most unique, comprehensive, cost-effective, course of its kind available anywhere online.
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