How our energy chakras can become blocked
The human body contracts to protect itself from physical or emotional pain. This contraction may create blockages in our energy field or closure of a particular chakra leading to illness, sickness or disease. The purpose of bio energy therapy is to help clear these blockages and rebalance our vital life-force energy.
If you close your fist tightly and look at your knuckles you can see that the knuckles of your hand turn almost white because the blood supply and energy flow is now restricted in this area.
In another example, sometimes the garden hose becomes blocked or knotted which restricts the free flow of water through the hose, once the knots and blocks have been removed, - the water can then flow freely.
These are practical examples to visually demonstrate what can happen in our body when subjected to emotional, mental or physical stress, shock, injury or trauma.
If you close your fist tightly and look at your knuckles you can see that the knuckles of your hand turn almost white because the blood supply and energy flow is now restricted in this area.
In another example, sometimes the garden hose becomes blocked or knotted which restricts the free flow of water through the hose, once the knots and blocks have been removed, - the water can then flow freely.
These are practical examples to visually demonstrate what can happen in our body when subjected to emotional, mental or physical stress, shock, injury or trauma.
The physical body contracts due to pain
When the physical body contracts due to pain, stress or trauma, the contractions may cause a restriction in the body’s overall blood supply and may also restrict the energy supply to organs, glands, muscles, tissue and cells. The emotional body also contracts to protect itself from emotional shock or trauma.
Emotions are normal; it is only when the emotions are suppressed over a period of time that they may have an effect on organs, glands, muscles and tissues in the physical body, depriving them of a natural flow of vital life-force energy.
The emotions associated with any trauma or incident are registered in the chakras. Unresolved emotions can cause closure, imbalance or blockages in the chakra related to that emotion.
There may be many reasons why we may not have been able to process or deal with emotions such as; anger, grief, fear, shame, guilt, hurt, loss, or mortal fear.
We might appear to have recovered from out physical trauma or shock and appear to be getting on with our day to day lives, but the emotional shock and trauma may have been suppressed and become lodged in our energy fields and chakras in turn affecting our overall health and well-being.
Emotions are normal; it is only when the emotions are suppressed over a period of time that they may have an effect on organs, glands, muscles and tissues in the physical body, depriving them of a natural flow of vital life-force energy.
The emotions associated with any trauma or incident are registered in the chakras. Unresolved emotions can cause closure, imbalance or blockages in the chakra related to that emotion.
There may be many reasons why we may not have been able to process or deal with emotions such as; anger, grief, fear, shame, guilt, hurt, loss, or mortal fear.
We might appear to have recovered from out physical trauma or shock and appear to be getting on with our day to day lives, but the emotional shock and trauma may have been suppressed and become lodged in our energy fields and chakras in turn affecting our overall health and well-being.
Suppressed emotions can control our life
The suppressed emotions may have a controlling effect on our lives unless the intensity of it is dissipated and the energy field and chakras are cleared and balanced.
Closure or blockages in a particular chakra can in turn affect organs, glands, muscles and tissue in the physical body in the area corresponding with a particular chakra.
This is where applying holistic Bio Energy Healing therapy techniques may be helpful in helping to clear and dissipate this blocked or stagnant energy at a physical emotional and mental level thus allowing a free flow of life-force energy and help to create the ideal environment for the body to begin its natural inner self-healing process.
Closure or blockages in a particular chakra can in turn affect organs, glands, muscles and tissue in the physical body in the area corresponding with a particular chakra.
This is where applying holistic Bio Energy Healing therapy techniques may be helpful in helping to clear and dissipate this blocked or stagnant energy at a physical emotional and mental level thus allowing a free flow of life-force energy and help to create the ideal environment for the body to begin its natural inner self-healing process.
The 7 main chakras
This is a brief introduction to the seven main chakras in the energy field of the body.
The energy created by our experiences, emotions, thoughts, mental attitudes and perceptions permeate via the chakras and our energy field to our cells, tissues and organs, and ultimately have their effect on our physical body.
The energy created by our experiences, emotions, thoughts, mental attitudes and perceptions permeate via the chakras and our energy field to our cells, tissues and organs, and ultimately have their effect on our physical body.
The base chakra
The base or root chakra is situated at the base of the spine and the pubic area, and can be associated with near death experiences, mortal fear, severe shock, or trauma. A sense of feeling ungrounded or a feeling of not belonging or not being connected to the earth may be felt when this chakra is closed, blocked or not fully operational. The colour associated with the base chakra is red.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Base chakra are; the reproductive glands which are the testes in men and the ovaries in women. It is believed this chakra also controls sexual development.
If the base chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Base chakra are; the reproductive glands which are the testes in men and the ovaries in women. It is believed this chakra also controls sexual development.
If the base chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I don’t feel I belong anymore”
Or “I can’t seem to settle anymore”.
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the base chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the base chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I am entitled to be here.”
Or “I can stand my ground.”
The sacral chakra
The sacral chakra is situated between the navel and the pubic bone. It is associated with, shame, guilt, decisiveness, lack of self-esteem, confidence and morale. The colour associated with the Sacral chakra is orange.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Sacral chakra are; the bladder, prostate, ovaries, kidneys, gall bladder, bowel, spleen and adrenal glands. If the sacral chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Sacral chakra are; the bladder, prostate, ovaries, kidneys, gall bladder, bowel, spleen and adrenal glands. If the sacral chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I’ll never be good enough.”
Or, “I feel I am not wanted.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the sacral chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the sacral chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I can move forward with confidence.”
Or, I am me; I deserve the best that life has to offer.”
The solar plexus chakra
The solar plexus chakra is situated above the navel and just below the sternum. It is associated with Anxiety, Anger and Fear. The colour associated with the Solar Plexus chakra is bright vibrant yellow.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Solar Plexus chakra are; the Intestines, pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, spleen and gallbladder.
If the solar plexus chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Solar Plexus chakra are; the Intestines, pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, spleen and gallbladder.
If the solar plexus chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“It was like a kick in the gut.”
Or, “I felt sick to the pit of my stomach.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the solar plexus chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the solar plexus chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I have the guts to do it.”
Or, “I will follow my gut feeling.”
The heart chakra
The heart chakra is situated in the area of the heart. It is associated with Sadness, Grief, Joy, Hurt, and Loss. Loss of any kind can affect the heart chakra. If sadness cannot get out, how can happiness get in?
With the use of chakra combing, clearing and balancing, the intensity of the emotions of Sadness, Grief, Hurt, and Loss may be decreased allowing us to experience the wonderful emotions of Happiness, Love and Joy. The colour associated with the Heart chakra is bright leaf green.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Heart chakra are; the Heart, the thymus gland and the lungs.
If the heart chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
With the use of chakra combing, clearing and balancing, the intensity of the emotions of Sadness, Grief, Hurt, and Loss may be decreased allowing us to experience the wonderful emotions of Happiness, Love and Joy. The colour associated with the Heart chakra is bright leaf green.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Heart chakra are; the Heart, the thymus gland and the lungs.
If the heart chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I have lost heart.”
Or, “I felt heartbroken.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the heart chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the heart chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I feel love in my heart.”
Or, “I feel happy and joyful.”
The throat chakra
The throat chakra is situated in the area of the throat. This is an area of expression.
For example, if we are feeling angry and go out and kick the wall, we are dealing with the feeling only …but not expressing how we FEEL, or who or what is causing our anger.
Singing, vocal toning or making a commitment to express what we might feel, may in itself, help to clear any energy blockages in the throat area. The colour associated with the Throat chakra is sky blue.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Throat chakra are; the throat, thyroid gland, Bronchial tubes, vocal cords, respiratory system, all areas of the mouth, tongue and oesophagus.
If the throat chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
For example, if we are feeling angry and go out and kick the wall, we are dealing with the feeling only …but not expressing how we FEEL, or who or what is causing our anger.
Singing, vocal toning or making a commitment to express what we might feel, may in itself, help to clear any energy blockages in the throat area. The colour associated with the Throat chakra is sky blue.
Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Throat chakra are; the throat, thyroid gland, Bronchial tubes, vocal cords, respiratory system, all areas of the mouth, tongue and oesophagus.
If the throat chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I can’t express how I feel.”
Or, “I feel a lump in my throat.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the throat chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the throat chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I can express how I feel.”
Or, “I can say what’s on my mind.”
The third eye chakra
The third eye chakra is mostly associated with psychic work and intuition (the sixth sense). This chakra is also known as the brow chakra and is located above and between eyebrows. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. When the third eye chakra is closed or out of balance it may inhibit our psychic abilities, our intuitive abilities and clairvoyant abilities.
A well-balanced and open Third Eye chakra may bring about a feeling of completeness, inspiration and insight, and an ability to see one's life clearly in one’s mind.
The colour associated with the Third Eye chakra is indigo (dark blue/purple). Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Third eye chakra are; the Eyes, and the pituitary and pineal glands.
If the third eye chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
A well-balanced and open Third Eye chakra may bring about a feeling of completeness, inspiration and insight, and an ability to see one's life clearly in one’s mind.
The colour associated with the Third Eye chakra is indigo (dark blue/purple). Some of the organs that may be affected by closure, blockage or imbalance in The Third eye chakra are; the Eyes, and the pituitary and pineal glands.
If the third eye chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I am afraid of what I can see.”
Or, “I don’t want to see what’s happening.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the third eye chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the third eye chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I can see it all so clearly now.”
Or, “Seeing is empowering.”
The crown chakra
The crown chakra is located just above the top of the head. It relates to thought, focus, concentration, self-knowledge, consciousness, pure awareness and spiritual awakening. The Crown Chakra is believed to be the entrance, through which divine light enters, allowing healing to take place wherever it is needed. It is thought to be our connection to the soul, our higher conscience, our greater being and “All That Is”.
Continued closure of this chakra can lead to physical problems in the area of the head. The colour associated with the Crown Chakra is rose white, violet / royal blue. If the crown chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
Continued closure of this chakra can lead to physical problems in the area of the head. The colour associated with the Crown Chakra is rose white, violet / royal blue. If the crown chakra is closed or out of balance, a client’s expressions might be:
“I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“It doesn’t bear thinking about.”
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the crown chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
When the intensity of the emotion is decreased, and the crown chakra is open, clear and balanced a client’s expressions may change to:
“I can stop my mind going round and around in circles.”
Or, “I am now in control of my thoughts.”
The aim of the bio energy therapist is to help activate and facilitate the body’s own natural healing ability, by applying certain energy clearing and balancing techniques to the person’s chakras and energy field.
The Oisin School of Holistic Bio Energy Healing and Clinic has been established for 30 years here in Ireland, and currently provides internationally recognised online healing training course. We have seen the effectiveness of applying the bio energy healing method to help clear and balance chakras and the energy field of the body to assist the body’s healing with numerous health problems and conditions.
Practitioners / therapists from all over the world who have trained with us, have been using these holistic, non-invasive, pain-free energy healing therapy techniques to assist the body’s recovery from injury, aches, pains, illness, sickness and disease, plus to help many physical, emotional and mental issues.
Additionally, we provide the opportunity for you to learn these powerful and successful healing techniques in our easy-to-learn online training course. Learn all this from the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace, so you can help yourself, family, friends, clients and pets to improve and maintain better health and well-being.
The Oisin School of Holistic Bio Energy Healing and Clinic has been established for 30 years here in Ireland, and currently provides internationally recognised online healing training course. We have seen the effectiveness of applying the bio energy healing method to help clear and balance chakras and the energy field of the body to assist the body’s healing with numerous health problems and conditions.
Practitioners / therapists from all over the world who have trained with us, have been using these holistic, non-invasive, pain-free energy healing therapy techniques to assist the body’s recovery from injury, aches, pains, illness, sickness and disease, plus to help many physical, emotional and mental issues.
Additionally, we provide the opportunity for you to learn these powerful and successful healing techniques in our easy-to-learn online training course. Learn all this from the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace, so you can help yourself, family, friends, clients and pets to improve and maintain better health and well-being.

Register today and start your holistic energy healing journey straight away!