Research into healing methods
Energy healing medicine has become one of the most fascinating areas of research into healing methods and has been expanding exponentially worldwide in the past four to five decades.
There is much research information and content substantiating this field of medical science, and there has been a recent upsurge of interest in the many different fields and modalities of complementary medicine.
There is much research information and content substantiating this field of medical science, and there has been a recent upsurge of interest in the many different fields and modalities of complementary medicine.
The etheric field of the body and the physical body
Science now understands that there is a direct interface or bridge that exists between the etheric field of the body and the physical body itself. There is a connection between the molecular organic physical form and the subtle etheric body and energy fields.
With greater public awareness, media information and ongoing scientific research, there may soon be a more universal acceptance and understanding of the body’s nervous system and the body’s subtle energy fields and the important role they play in ‘holistic healing medicine.’ Healthcare practitioners, therapists, doctors and nurses are becoming more involved in the developing area of holistic medicine.
With greater public awareness, media information and ongoing scientific research, there may soon be a more universal acceptance and understanding of the body’s nervous system and the body’s subtle energy fields and the important role they play in ‘holistic healing medicine.’ Healthcare practitioners, therapists, doctors and nurses are becoming more involved in the developing area of holistic medicine.
Holistic treatment is the treatment of the ‘whole’ person
In a word holistic treatment is the treatment of the ‘whole’ person. This means taking all levels of the person’s body into consideration; Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual with a better understanding of the role played by the etheric body and the body’s energy fields.
Dr Gerber MD, states: In his book “Vibrational Medicine”
“Vibrational healing represents new ways of dealing with illness. Twenty-first century health-care will be based upon subtle-energy principles and intervention involving the mind, body, environment and spiritual dimensions.
Rupert Sheldrake Ph.D. The placebo effect is another way of talking about the body’s self healing capacity and anything that unleashes more of that is going to be a better system.
Dr William A.Tiller Ph.D. Stanford University, Author of Science and Human Transformation; describes the results of 30 years of experimental studies demonstrating correlations between subtle energies and their effect on the physical environment
Dieter Cimbal Ph.D. “The actual regulation of the whole organism and the coordination of all cells is accomplished with informational fields.”
Edgar Mitchel Ph.D. “Matter is compressed energy. Information is patterns of energy, there is an information flow throughout our body.”
Marilyn Schlitz Ph.D. “We need to be able to explain for fully how we behave, how we interact and how we heal. It’s time for us to bring these qualities of healing into the mainstream conversation about what is necessary to create an optimal healing system.” Lynne Mc Taggart: “Medicine that takes information and changes disturbed information is going to be the future of medicine.”
Dr. Norman Sheahy MD, Ph.D. “You and I are bits of energy, drugs are a form of energy, surgery is a form of energy. Medicine uses energy to measure the electrocardiogram, the electromyogram for muscles, magnetic resonance imagery, and medicine tests with energy using a cardiograph pacemaker.
Doctor H. Koning MD: On the power of our thinking mind: “If you think you have an incurable disease – you are right.” - “If you think your problem is curable - then you are also right.”
Bruce H Lipton Ph. D. “Science has recognised that at least one third of all healings including drugs, surgery, and other allopathic intervention, have little to do with the process, but has to do with the placebo effect.”
Konstantin G. Korotkov: In his book The Human Energy Field, presents scientific foundations and practical applications of the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique. According to Konstantin G. Korotkov’s research, the Human Energy Field carries information on physical and mental states of a human being and GDV Bioelectrography gives an opportunity to study this information.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have been using the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualisation) scanner camera using Bioelectrography for over 20 years. In our own research we have used this GDV technology prior to and following Oisin Bio Energy Healing Therapy.
Dr Gerber MD, states: In his book “Vibrational Medicine”
“Vibrational healing represents new ways of dealing with illness. Twenty-first century health-care will be based upon subtle-energy principles and intervention involving the mind, body, environment and spiritual dimensions.
Rupert Sheldrake Ph.D. The placebo effect is another way of talking about the body’s self healing capacity and anything that unleashes more of that is going to be a better system.
Dr William A.Tiller Ph.D. Stanford University, Author of Science and Human Transformation; describes the results of 30 years of experimental studies demonstrating correlations between subtle energies and their effect on the physical environment
Dieter Cimbal Ph.D. “The actual regulation of the whole organism and the coordination of all cells is accomplished with informational fields.”
Edgar Mitchel Ph.D. “Matter is compressed energy. Information is patterns of energy, there is an information flow throughout our body.”
Marilyn Schlitz Ph.D. “We need to be able to explain for fully how we behave, how we interact and how we heal. It’s time for us to bring these qualities of healing into the mainstream conversation about what is necessary to create an optimal healing system.” Lynne Mc Taggart: “Medicine that takes information and changes disturbed information is going to be the future of medicine.”
Dr. Norman Sheahy MD, Ph.D. “You and I are bits of energy, drugs are a form of energy, surgery is a form of energy. Medicine uses energy to measure the electrocardiogram, the electromyogram for muscles, magnetic resonance imagery, and medicine tests with energy using a cardiograph pacemaker.
Doctor H. Koning MD: On the power of our thinking mind: “If you think you have an incurable disease – you are right.” - “If you think your problem is curable - then you are also right.”
Bruce H Lipton Ph. D. “Science has recognised that at least one third of all healings including drugs, surgery, and other allopathic intervention, have little to do with the process, but has to do with the placebo effect.”
Konstantin G. Korotkov: In his book The Human Energy Field, presents scientific foundations and practical applications of the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique. According to Konstantin G. Korotkov’s research, the Human Energy Field carries information on physical and mental states of a human being and GDV Bioelectrography gives an opportunity to study this information.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have been using the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualisation) scanner camera using Bioelectrography for over 20 years. In our own research we have used this GDV technology prior to and following Oisin Bio Energy Healing Therapy.

The body’s own natural inner healing process
The aim of Oisin Bio Energy Therapy is to support and help balance, stimulate and activate healthy physiological activity in the person’s body at a cellular level, thereby assisting the body’s own natural inner healing process. Oisin Bio Energy Therapy uses specific protocols and techniques designed to work on the subtle energy fields of the body.
Practitioners of Oisin bio energy therapy attempt to correct and re- balance, imbalances in these subtle energy fields. It also aims to clear any blockages or stagnation that may have occurred due to accident, injury or trauma that may be affecting any area of the person’s body at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.
Advantages of applying Oisin Bio Energy include:
It is believed that all illness has its origins in the energy field or etheric fields of the body. As this belief continues to be explored and researched further scientifically, we will be in a better position to fully understand how and why healing actually takes place in the human body.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we continue to support the understanding of the field of energy healing from a scientific viewpoint.
Practitioners of Oisin bio energy therapy attempt to correct and re- balance, imbalances in these subtle energy fields. It also aims to clear any blockages or stagnation that may have occurred due to accident, injury or trauma that may be affecting any area of the person’s body at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.
Advantages of applying Oisin Bio Energy include:
- A natural form of healing
- Utilizes the body’s own natural inner healing process
- Non-invasive
- Pain-free
- No side-affects
- Can be integrated with other forms of therapy or treatments for sickness, illness. Injury or disease.
It is believed that all illness has its origins in the energy field or etheric fields of the body. As this belief continues to be explored and researched further scientifically, we will be in a better position to fully understand how and why healing actually takes place in the human body.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we continue to support the understanding of the field of energy healing from a scientific viewpoint.

Register today and start your energy healing journey straight away!