Holistic healing is working on the ‘whole’ person
Having worked as a holistic therapist for the past 30 years I am still to this day fascinated by the healing affect that sound has on a client. Holistic healing is working on the ‘whole’ person physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
In our everyday busy, busy physical life we take care of our physical needs, family, work, or for many of us over the past year, manoeuvring our way through the current Coronavirus pandemic.
All of the surrounding chaos can have its effect on us, leading in some cases to stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, fears and depression and triggering all kinds of different health issues such as
In our everyday busy, busy physical life we take care of our physical needs, family, work, or for many of us over the past year, manoeuvring our way through the current Coronavirus pandemic.
All of the surrounding chaos can have its effect on us, leading in some cases to stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, fears and depression and triggering all kinds of different health issues such as
- Pain
- Discomfort
- Tense muscles
- Panic attacks
- Insomnia
- Overwhelm
- Overeating
- Binge drinking
- Undereating
- Anorexia or other health conditions
Taking care of our ‘physical, emotional and mental body’
We can take better care of our ‘physical, emotional and mental body’ with regular exercise, eating more slowly and eating healthy nourishing food. Taking time out to ‘tune in’ to our own body’s needs, having a long, peaceful night’s sleep, also learning how to deal with our emotions such as fears, anger, loss, hurt, low self-esteem or lacking in confidence. You can do this by applying simple exercises designed to help calm down the mind, and to help you to develop an attitude of mindfulness throughout the day with regular deep breathing exercises designed to keep you in the moment.
How can you work on the spiritual body?
But how can you work on the spiritual body? As you know we are spirit beings or some call it ‘soul beings’ on a spiritual journey through this earth experience. With the turmoil this pandemic has created it’s up to each person to look within themselves for that inner divinity, that inner power and strength to navigate their lives.
This may mean finding time for you personally. ‘Me time’ I like to call it. You might even decide on a ‘me space’, your own special place where you can sit or lie down and do slow deep breathing exercises and meditate, or read, or listen to your favourite music.
It is in these quiet moments that you allocate for yourself personally that can help you find the inner you, that amazing person who chose to come into this world, that amazing being who can walk the earth’s path to achieving great things and fulfil your real spiritual purpose in this life.
You could buy yourself a Tibetan singing bowl. One that you are attracted to. Use this for your own self-healing, use it to help you meditate, use it to help bring you into that sacred space of peace and calm and tranquillity.
This may mean finding time for you personally. ‘Me time’ I like to call it. You might even decide on a ‘me space’, your own special place where you can sit or lie down and do slow deep breathing exercises and meditate, or read, or listen to your favourite music.
It is in these quiet moments that you allocate for yourself personally that can help you find the inner you, that amazing person who chose to come into this world, that amazing being who can walk the earth’s path to achieving great things and fulfil your real spiritual purpose in this life.
You could buy yourself a Tibetan singing bowl. One that you are attracted to. Use this for your own self-healing, use it to help you meditate, use it to help bring you into that sacred space of peace and calm and tranquillity.
You can hum along with the singing bowl
You can hum along with the singing bowl using your own unique voice singing healing mantras, chanting or simply expressing how you are feeling at this moment in time with your voice.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have found that sound healing can have a powerfully transformative effect on the body, mind and spirit. Many of our clients have reported amazing improvements in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies for many different issues ranging from pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, tense muscles, stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, fears, and depression to panic attacks, overwhelm or insomnia.
Here at the Oisin Healing Centre we have found that sound healing can have a powerfully transformative effect on the body, mind and spirit. Many of our clients have reported amazing improvements in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies for many different issues ranging from pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, tense muscles, stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, fears, and depression to panic attacks, overwhelm or insomnia.
At the Oisin Healing Centre we have seen the connection between the body, mind and spirit during therapy using sound healing instruments.

Register today to begin your sound healing journey straight away!