Attending a gong bath session
There is much scientific research surrounding the art of using sound for healing, how and why sound may help the body to heal, how easy it is to become a sound healer, and the affect sound vibrations have on the human body.
I shall venture more deeply into this exciting world of sound to find out more about sound vibrations, frequencies, resonance and the art of sound healing.
Many people have been fortunate enough to experience first hand the deep and transformational vibrations that can be created by sound healing instruments. I recently attended a sound bath session and was utterly amazed.
I shall venture more deeply into this exciting world of sound to find out more about sound vibrations, frequencies, resonance and the art of sound healing.
Many people have been fortunate enough to experience first hand the deep and transformational vibrations that can be created by sound healing instruments. I recently attended a sound bath session and was utterly amazed.
Sound healing instruments
20 attendees lay on mats in a large circle in the middle of which was an array of sound healing instruments. These included a vast array of Tibetan singing bowls, a table full of different kinds of tuning forks. On one side was approximately a dozen crystal quartz bowls of varying sizes from the smallest at about 10 inches to the largest crystal bowls which was approximately 2 feet in diameter.
There was a number of other sound healing items including, Khosi bells, bamboo rain sticks, goatskin shaman drums, chime bars, an ocean drum, various bells and a Harmonium Shruti box. Pride of place in the middle of all this stood three large gongs on stands. A large chao gong, a moon gong and a Chinese gong.
There was a number of other sound healing items including, Khosi bells, bamboo rain sticks, goatskin shaman drums, chime bars, an ocean drum, various bells and a Harmonium Shruti box. Pride of place in the middle of all this stood three large gongs on stands. A large chao gong, a moon gong and a Chinese gong.
A gong master / presenter / practitioner
The gong master introduced himself and the gong bath session was underway. I lay down with the others who had at this time made themselves quite comfortable with pillows underneath their heads and some of them had blankets over them.
The gong master started with the gongs and created the most beautiful range of sounds and vibrations I had ever heard. I couldn’t believe so many different pitches, and sound variations could be produced from these large circular gongs. Some gongs emulated the sound of whales and other sounds were like the sounds of waves on a seashore, depending on which type of beaters or mallets he used.
The gong master proceeded for the next hour playing the Tibetan singing bowls in different keys and occasionally interchanging the Tibetan bowls with the crystal quartz bowls. He then played seven crystal quartz bowls which were tuned in keys associated with the seven chakras, and sang along with the sound of the bowls with deep and soothing vocal toning.
This live gong session was many years ago, and this started me on a mission of discovery to find out more about how and why sound healing works. Along the way I was presented with a vast array of starling information. It would appear that sound healing works on the principle of vibration.
The gong master started with the gongs and created the most beautiful range of sounds and vibrations I had ever heard. I couldn’t believe so many different pitches, and sound variations could be produced from these large circular gongs. Some gongs emulated the sound of whales and other sounds were like the sounds of waves on a seashore, depending on which type of beaters or mallets he used.
The gong master proceeded for the next hour playing the Tibetan singing bowls in different keys and occasionally interchanging the Tibetan bowls with the crystal quartz bowls. He then played seven crystal quartz bowls which were tuned in keys associated with the seven chakras, and sang along with the sound of the bowls with deep and soothing vocal toning.
This live gong session was many years ago, and this started me on a mission of discovery to find out more about how and why sound healing works. Along the way I was presented with a vast array of starling information. It would appear that sound healing works on the principle of vibration.
The science of sound healing
Everything in the universe vibrates and has its own unique and natural vibratory frequency rate. The body as a whole and the individual areas of the body have a natural vibrational frequency when it is healthy. However, when an area of the body becomes sick, diseased, injured or stressed this area of the body is no longer operating at its optimum frequency vibration.
The basis of sound healing is to use sound healing instruments to create vibrations of harmonious frequencies which then have its effect via resonance, on various areas of the body which may be unbalanced due to an imbalance of its natural healthy vibratory rate.
The basis of sound healing is to use sound healing instruments to create vibrations of harmonious frequencies which then have its effect via resonance, on various areas of the body which may be unbalanced due to an imbalance of its natural healthy vibratory rate.
How to become a sound healer
Becoming a sound healer is very easy. The Oísín Healing Centre in Ireland provide a full sound healing online course which is accredited with The CMA and The IICT.
This certified diploma course covers everything you might like to learn about using sound healing instruments such as the gong, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystal quartz bowls, Khosi bells, bamboo rain sticks, goatskin shaman drums, chime bars, ocean drum, Harmonium Shruti box, and various bells.
The course covers vocal toning and many ways to use your own voice for healing and a complete guide to how you can conduct your own gong bath session.
This certified sound healing diploma course may be of interest for those persons who may be fascinated with using sound healing for their own self-healing, or to de-stress, relax or chill-out. The sound healing diploma course also provides all the required information to allow you to work as a professional sound healer using sound healing for family, friends and paying clients.
This certified diploma course covers everything you might like to learn about using sound healing instruments such as the gong, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystal quartz bowls, Khosi bells, bamboo rain sticks, goatskin shaman drums, chime bars, ocean drum, Harmonium Shruti box, and various bells.
The course covers vocal toning and many ways to use your own voice for healing and a complete guide to how you can conduct your own gong bath session.
This certified sound healing diploma course may be of interest for those persons who may be fascinated with using sound healing for their own self-healing, or to de-stress, relax or chill-out. The sound healing diploma course also provides all the required information to allow you to work as a professional sound healer using sound healing for family, friends and paying clients.

Register today to begin your sound healing journey straight away!