School of energy and sound healing
I’m John Donohoe, I’ve been working as a sound healer for over 30 years. I work at the Oisin healing centre and School of Bio Energy Healing and Sound Healing here in Ireland. I’m blessed to be located where I am because my recording studio and our healing centre is located on a prime high energy site, called the Hill of Uisneach, once the location for the seat for the for the five high kings of Ireland.
The immense energy at this location has enabled me to be able to compose the most amazing music which most of the time surprises me. I am not sure where all this music comes from but I have my own theories. I believe that the music of the cosmos and the music of the spheres is all around us all the time. I believe also that all the great music ever composed by the greatest composer of the last few centuries is in the ether and has its influence on all other composers and musicians at a very subtle level.
When I am composing some new healing music, I meditate for an hour or sometimes longer, preferably outdoors. Sometimes I sit at a large standing stone situated on our site, which is reckoned to be from some ancient stone-age period, thousands of years ago. I sometimes simply sit and close my eyes ,and the more I can relax and let my brain and mind go blank, I can begin to hear melodies and rhythms and full orchestral arrangements going on in my head.
The immense energy at this location has enabled me to be able to compose the most amazing music which most of the time surprises me. I am not sure where all this music comes from but I have my own theories. I believe that the music of the cosmos and the music of the spheres is all around us all the time. I believe also that all the great music ever composed by the greatest composer of the last few centuries is in the ether and has its influence on all other composers and musicians at a very subtle level.
When I am composing some new healing music, I meditate for an hour or sometimes longer, preferably outdoors. Sometimes I sit at a large standing stone situated on our site, which is reckoned to be from some ancient stone-age period, thousands of years ago. I sometimes simply sit and close my eyes ,and the more I can relax and let my brain and mind go blank, I can begin to hear melodies and rhythms and full orchestral arrangements going on in my head.
My music compositions are used on sound healing courses
I might stroll for a while through a local wood and as I do, I can hear cellos, and violins, brass and percussion and choral voices singing in my head. I sometimes wish I had a special machine that I could connect to my brain and record what my brain is hearing straight onto a recorder. I also hear words and rhyming lyrics to accompany the music.
A large number of my compositions have been available on audio CD albums. Many of my music compositions are used on sound healing courses as background music and also on other online courses that we produce.
I opened up my first recording studio 40 years ago, this was Slane Studios in Co Meath and over many years I worked as a producer and engineer with some of the biggest names in music, including international musicians and singers.
A large number of my compositions have been available on audio CD albums. Many of my music compositions are used on sound healing courses as background music and also on other online courses that we produce.
I opened up my first recording studio 40 years ago, this was Slane Studios in Co Meath and over many years I worked as a producer and engineer with some of the biggest names in music, including international musicians and singers.
A lifetime of experience in energy medicine and sound therapy
I have been very fortunate to have gained a lifetime of experience in the area of energy medicine and sound therapy over the past 30 years with knowledge attained from experts in the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Slovenia. However, the greatest knowledge has been gained by working one to one with the many clients who have attended our healing clinic over the past three decades and the wealth of experience acquired using sound and energy healing to help with a wide range of different health issues.
Sound healing, highest level, online diploma course

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