How sound can help to boost the immune system
Our immune system is what keeps us healthy. Our immune system is quite complex.
Sound vibrations and sound therapy has an affect on our immune system which contains millions of white cells and protein, defending our body against, illness, sickness, disease or viruses. It is vitally important the we keep our immune system working at its peak performance.
The immune system works away ‘behind the scenes’ and operates automatically to find, destroy and discard microbes, germs, antigens or other foreign substances that it recognises as alien to the health and well-being of our body.
When our immune system is low or not operating efficiently, this can lead to autoimmune disorders, immune deficiencies and allergic conditions and diseases.
At one time during a visual computer-based blood test, I had the opportunity to visually see this in action. When greatly magnified thousands of times, it is possible to watch these hard-working immune cells as they hurried around and found and discarded the alien microbes.
Sound vibrations and sound therapy has an affect on our immune system which contains millions of white cells and protein, defending our body against, illness, sickness, disease or viruses. It is vitally important the we keep our immune system working at its peak performance.
The immune system works away ‘behind the scenes’ and operates automatically to find, destroy and discard microbes, germs, antigens or other foreign substances that it recognises as alien to the health and well-being of our body.
When our immune system is low or not operating efficiently, this can lead to autoimmune disorders, immune deficiencies and allergic conditions and diseases.
At one time during a visual computer-based blood test, I had the opportunity to visually see this in action. When greatly magnified thousands of times, it is possible to watch these hard-working immune cells as they hurried around and found and discarded the alien microbes.
How is sound healing related to the immune system?
The latest pilot research shows that low sound wave frequencies can help lower cortisol. Frequencies between 40Hz to 115Hz diminishes hematic cortisol concentration in 86% of those tested. This was based on volunteer feedback where the preferred frequencies were low frequencies as listeners being tested responded to the physical properties of sound-waves.
Research further suggests that sound vibration and using your own voice for singing, chanting or humming produces vibrations throughout the body which can help to reduce adrenaline and cortisol which in turn can assist the immune system by reducing stress and anxiety.
When our immune system is high, strong and working effectively we have more protection against, illness, sickness, disease and viruses.
Research further suggests that sound vibration and using your own voice for singing, chanting or humming produces vibrations throughout the body which can help to reduce adrenaline and cortisol which in turn can assist the immune system by reducing stress and anxiety.
When our immune system is high, strong and working effectively we have more protection against, illness, sickness, disease and viruses.
Exploring the benefits of sound healing
In our online diploma level sound healing course, we explore the benefits of sound healing from the use of sound healing instruments including various types Tibetan singing bowls of all sizes and sounds, gongs, tuning forks, khosi bells, rain sticks, various drums including the ocean drum and bodhran, crystal quartz bowls and other sound healing instruments plus how to use your own voice for healing.
Our sound-healing diploma course
Our sound-healing course explains in more detail how sound vibrations and healing frequencies can assist the immune system, and help bring about transformational changes in our physical, mental and emotional bodies. You can learn more about the immune system, the lymphatic system, spleen and the thymus. You can also learn how to use your own voice for chanting, humming, or singing to help boost your immune system.
This is a fully comprehensive sound healing training course and when completed it comes with a certified diploma in sound healing.
This is a fully comprehensive sound healing training course and when completed it comes with a certified diploma in sound healing.

Register today to begin your sound healing journey straight away!