I suffered with an overwhelming fear of falling & a fear of heights

I suffered with an overwhelming fear of falling & a fear of heights

John was seventeen years of age and attended for bio energy healing therapy because of his overwhelming fear of falling which had started to impact on his family, social life and college life. This fear had reached a peak when he had been away on holidays with college friends. He had been sleeping in a bed in the top bunk when he turned suddenly while he was asleep and fell to the floor.

The distance was not far and he was not injured but his reaction to the fall was complete panic, fear and overwhelm. His friends at first laughed at him but when they realised he was not over-reacting they tried to reassure him, but to no avail. He was in such a state of fear and terror that he cut his holiday short and returned home.

John was suffering with anxiety, fears and panic attacks.
He had already attended his general practitioner suffering with anxiety, fears and panic attacks and had attended numerous clinics and medical professionals. He had temporary relief at times but despite all of this his fears and panic did not abate. His parents decided to book him in for five sessions of bio energy therapy.

On the first session John was a little agitated and restless during the session. On the second session John was much more relaxed and he said he had slept a little better after the first session. On the third session John went into a very deep state of relaxation. Approximately forty minutes into the session John sat upright on the therapy table and said; “The road is getting closer.”

John had a flashback to where it all started.
John had a sudden flash back to where the initial fear of falling may have started. John’s father who was also in the therapy room appeared startled. When the session was complete, John described what had happened to him when he was approximately four years old.

His parents were moving house. They had hired a large container for their furniture removals. As his parents were talking with the removals team, John went missing and was discovered running around in the empty furniture container, the back of which was fully open. Before anyone could stop him John ran out of the end of the container and fell down onto his face on the road. He was knocked unconscious and hospitalised for over a week.

Both John and his father had completely forgotten about this incident until John suddenly remembered it. The therapist followed up with session four and five by applying bio energy therapy working on John’s root chakra. This coupled with other bio energy techniques including work on his solar plexus chakra for the fear and anxiety helped to reduce the intensity of the trauma which until now remained buried in John’s sub-conscious mind. This had allowed the shock and trauma to return to the conscious mind as just a memory rather than a crippling and controlling emotion.

When John returned for one more session of bio energy healing therapy his fear of falling had almost completely dissipated and disappeared.

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