Compare your body to being like a car
When you feel unwell
Holistic health a physical level
Looking at the ‘Whole Person’
Holistic healing – at a mental level
Holistic Healthcare – at a universal level
When you feel unwell
Holistic health a physical level
Looking at the ‘Whole Person’
Holistic healing – at a mental level
Holistic Healthcare – at a universal level
Ways to take better care of yourself with holistic healthcare, taking time to evaluate your life and your life purpose & self-heal your body, mind & spirit. When you learn how to take better care of yourself you are better prepared to take care of those around you.
Compare your body to being like a car
What would you do if you were given one car and told it would have to last you 100 years? Would you drive it more slowly, accelerate gradually, switch off the engine in the evenings after a long day, make sure it was always filled with the best quality (fuel) (food) and water?
Would you keep it clean, well-oiled and in the very best of physical condition? Would you allow other people to drive it recklessly or at speed, regardless of its capabilities? Try to think like this when it comes to taking better care of your physical body.
Would you keep it clean, well-oiled and in the very best of physical condition? Would you allow other people to drive it recklessly or at speed, regardless of its capabilities? Try to think like this when it comes to taking better care of your physical body.
Holistic healthcare - when you feel unwell
Do you feel at times that you are last on the pecking order when it comes to taking care of yourself? Do you ever ask yourself questions such as;
Do you feel at times that you have not been taking proper and adequate care of your body, mind and spirit? Perhaps when you take a long hard look at your life and your lifestyle you might find some clues to some of your current health conditions or symptoms
- Why do I get sick so regularly?
- Why do I always feel tired and fatigued?
- Why do I have difficulty getting a good restful night’s sleep?
- Why am I suffering with pain and discomfort so often?
- Why do I feel so anxious or fearful?
- Why do I feel so stressed?
Do you feel at times that you have not been taking proper and adequate care of your body, mind and spirit? Perhaps when you take a long hard look at your life and your lifestyle you might find some clues to some of your current health conditions or symptoms
Holistic Healthcare - looks at the ‘Whole Person’
You’ve probably heard or read about the importance of looking at areas of your life such as the foods you eat and lifestyle. As you are aware you are what you eat. Have you looked into some habits you may have such as overeating, alcohol consumption, eating late at night, going to bed very late at night and waking next morning feeling fatigued, stiff, anxious and tired? Perhaps you’re overworking or pushing yourself beyond your limits, or allowing other people to push you beyond your limits.
It is now acceptable that our emotions can have an effect on our physical body. Our emotional body can become damaged in so many subtle but debilitating ways without consciously knowing how it can be affecting us physically. This can occur as a result of unresolved past issues or ongoing emotional issues such as; stress, anxiety, depression, fear, anger, grief, sorrow, loss, lack of self-esteem or low self-confidence, or being controlled, or abused physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually.
It is now acceptable that our emotions can have an effect on our physical body. Our emotional body can become damaged in so many subtle but debilitating ways without consciously knowing how it can be affecting us physically. This can occur as a result of unresolved past issues or ongoing emotional issues such as; stress, anxiety, depression, fear, anger, grief, sorrow, loss, lack of self-esteem or low self-confidence, or being controlled, or abused physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually.
Holistic Healthcare – at a mental level
Practice mindfulness and meditate to help improve health Here are some guidelines for achieving a more holistic health approach to your own self healing:
It is important to live in the moment from a holistic point of view. Learn deep abdominal breathing techniques to help dimmish all those “I’ve Gotta” never-ending stressful thoughts that go round and around in your head.
“I’ve gotta do this”, “I’ve gotta do what I should have done yesterday” “I’ve gotta make a list, “I’ve gotta prepare for tomorrow, “I’ve gotta add this to my new list” “I’ve gotta rest”, “I’ve gotta do this first”. Try and do one important thing first and then STOP and say “Okay I’ve completed that job, that’s the end of that”. Only then move onto the next job, like it is a brand new assignment or job.
It is important to live in the moment from a holistic point of view. Learn deep abdominal breathing techniques to help dimmish all those “I’ve Gotta” never-ending stressful thoughts that go round and around in your head.
“I’ve gotta do this”, “I’ve gotta do what I should have done yesterday” “I’ve gotta make a list, “I’ve gotta prepare for tomorrow, “I’ve gotta add this to my new list” “I’ve gotta rest”, “I’ve gotta do this first”. Try and do one important thing first and then STOP and say “Okay I’ve completed that job, that’s the end of that”. Only then move onto the next job, like it is a brand new assignment or job.
Holistic Healthcare – at a universal level
Respect your body
We often think of our own body as being complete in itself and separate from everyone else and our surrounding environment. Whilst our body is in itself a complete universe, it is also a tiny segment connected to and with the total universe.
The physical body is not separate from our mind and soul, they are all part of one big energy ball. Your body is the temple for your spirit and soul. Learn how to integrate body, mind and soul. Learn how to work with amazing self-healing powers you possess and develop your powers of intuition.
We often think of our own body as being complete in itself and separate from everyone else and our surrounding environment. Whilst our body is in itself a complete universe, it is also a tiny segment connected to and with the total universe.
The physical body is not separate from our mind and soul, they are all part of one big energy ball. Your body is the temple for your spirit and soul. Learn how to integrate body, mind and soul. Learn how to work with amazing self-healing powers you possess and develop your powers of intuition.
- Learn how to develop your intuitive powers and follow your gut feelings regarding the decisions you make.
- Learn all you can about self-healing techniques to take better care of your emotional, mental and spiritual body.
- Learn more about the power of your mind and your energetic connection to the universal mind.
Holistic healthcare a physical level
Regular exercise is important to help improve holistic health.
Exercise of any kind, is essential for better overall health and well-being. This can be:
Exercise of any kind, is essential for better overall health and well-being. This can be:
- Walking
- Running
- Swimming
- Gardening
- Or any activity that is comfortable and enjoyable and does not put any unnecessary strain on you physically, mentally or emotionally.
Holistic healthcare a relationship level
Nurturing better relationships.Learn how to carefully select and nurture up-lifting, positive relationships. It is important to allow others to express their point of view. Learn how to listen. It can be healing for you when the other person in a relationship allows you the space to express your feelings without criticism or judgements. There is healing for the other person also, when you allow them the space to express themselves and share their feelings without criticism of judgements.
Holistic healthcare at a global level
Be prepared for change.They say that the only thing that is constant is change. Learn how to adapt and change at a moment’s notice. We live in a fast-paced world where everything is changing rapidly around us. Climate change, extreme weather conditions, wars and unrest between countries and nations, food shortages, rising costs, inflation and recessions affects all of us either directly or indirectly. Today, amid a global pandemic, the world faces massive technological, demographic, environmental, and geopolitical shifts redefining the global order, said former Secretary of State George Shultz.
We are part of this changing world, whether we like it or not, and we can make it through by taking better care of ourselves and learning how to de-stress and “go with the flow”. We can make changes in the world but only by making changes to ourselves and our own individual place on this planet.
Holistic healthcare at an overall level
10 Tips to help reduce stress:From an overall taking care of yourself point of view, here are 10 Ways to help reduce stress, anxiety or tension:
- 1. Practice diaphragmatic breathing at times of stress or anxiety
- 2. Stay active and each day and avail of some physical exercise
- 3. Eat good healthy, nutritious food, vegetables & fruit
- 4. Drink at least 3 litres of water on a daily basis (unless otherwise directed)
- 5. Manage your time spent of phone & social media
- 6. Connect regularly with other people
- 7. Practice guided meditation mornings and evenings
- 8. Get regular restful sleep at night
- 9. Laughter is in itself is also very self healing
- 10. Learn how to say ‘NO’ to taking on more than you can handle
Contact us today to find out more about taking care of yourself and those around you.

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