How to let go and heal from emotional trauma, pain and hurt - Self Healing

How to let go and heal from emotional trauma, pain and hurt

Very few of us go through life without experiencing the feeling of being hurt; physically, emotionally, or mentally. In this article we’ll look at ways to help deal with, and heal from your old hurts.

Dealing with and healing from old hurts

There may be “old hurts” which have been suppressed for years, old hurts that may now be affecting your overall health. It may now be time to deal with, heal from and let go of these old hurts.

Nobody can cause you hurt, but you can feel hurt as a reaction to the behaviour or actions of another person.

Somebody can inflict hurt or pain on you by physical, emotional, mental or sexual abuse. How you feel as a result of abusive or aggressive behaviour is your response to the pain or hurt you are experiencing.

Sometimes a traumatic incident or event may have occurred in childhood, where a child did not have the capabilities or abilities to deal with it. This child may have suppressed the feelings of pain or hurt in order to cope with the incident or event. Later on in life, these feelings of hurt may be triggered and compounded by other similar events.

Letting go of old hurts

Letting go and dealing with old hurts can at times be a painful and challenging experience. Remember, you may have been a child when you suppressed or blocked the hurt or pain, but you may now be an adult, dealing and healing from the memories of a child.

Other hurts you have experienced or hurts you are experiencing at this time, may be as a result of verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or mental abuse. Or, it may have been incessant criticism and put-downs from your peers, teachers, your parents or friends over many years, leaving you with feelings of bitterness, anger and resentment or holding on to grudges.

There may have been times in your life, when you felt hurt by the behaviour of your partner, family member, friend, or work colleague. It can be hurtful behaviour that is obvious or it may be hurtful behaviour that is so subtle and insidious that it may be difficult to recognise at first.

It can be difficult not to feel angry

It can be difficult at times to let go of past hurts. You may not have been consciously aware of how much you have suffered from the pains, hurts and traumas of past experiences. It can be difficult not to feel angry or resentful when you feel you have been hurt by someone you trust and care about. It can be even more difficult if the perpetrator is unable, not capable, or is in denial of how the hurt inflicted by them affected you.

If you have felt hurt by the actions of others either verbally, physically, emotionally, or mentally, or sexually, it may need to be processed and dealt with, otherwise it can have a lasting effect on your life, your health and your well-being. .

What can you do?

What can you do in a practical sense if you are continually experiencing feelings of hurt, or if those feelings have not been addressed or resolved?

Everything that has happened to you up until this moment in time has created the person you are today. Everything you do today will create the person you become tomorrow.

To begin, if you feel hurt by the behaviour of a partner, family member, friend or work colleague, it is important to separate the person from their behaviour and explain to them, that it is their behaviour that you find unacceptable, not the person they are.

You also have the choice whether to tell them, what it is about their behaviour, that is affecting you, whether their behaviour is intentional or not.

Minimising what has happened

Other people can minimise a hurtful remark or action by saying that you are over-reacting or that they didn’t mean it the way you interpreted it. However, it’s knowing how you feel that is important, regardless of how it was meant. You may even minimise the hurt that someone inflicts on you, because it’s too painful to deal with or the time may not be appropriate.

The first steps to healing old hurts

The first steps to healing old hurts, is self-empowerment. You are powerless over everyone and everything except yourself. Bring your awareness to all those old hurts, pains, resentments, rejections, let-downs, angers, bitterness or despair.

Take a deep breath and acknowledge the feelings you are experiencing. Claim that feeling. It’s yours, and yours alone. Know that whatever happened in the past can never happen again. Honour that feeling. As you breathe out, allow the intensity of the feeling to dissipate. Repeat this as often as required, inhaling and exhaling and with each exhalation allow the intensity of the feeling to dissipate more and more.

Focus your attention on the new self-empowered you, that now begins to evolve.

Allow yourself to feel and experience –
  • A feeling of peace and calm
  • A healthier feeling in body, mind and spirit
  • Lower levels of stress and anxiety
  • Improvement in relationships
  • A better sense of self
  • More self-confidence and self-esteem
  • A happier and more Joyful attitude to life

Here is something more you can do for you right now

As you know, everything is comprised of energy and vibration including your chakras, your physical body and your feelings.

Working on your own chakras using bio energy can be a powerful and practical way to initiate your own personal self healing process.

Applying advanced bio energy to the area of the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA has proven helpful to help reduce the intensity of ANGER, ANXIETY OR STRESS.

Applying bio energy to the area of your SACRAL CHAKRA has proven helpful to help with feelings of low self-confidence, low self-worth and low self-esteem.

You have the power and the ability to change where you are at now to the person you wish to become; healthy, vibrant, motivated, full of energy and enjoying life to the full.

You can also read some of our other blogs and articles or check out our Certified Online Training Courses. All courses include the best-selling 360-page e-book ‘Be Your Own Therapist.
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