ADA – Oberhausan, Germany


I am a person who is always looking for something new to learn. Knowing I am an animal lover, a friend told me about an energy healing course for animals. I found the training course, registered online and completed the course a short time afterwards.

My pets are very precious to me. I have two cats and two dogs. When an animal is sick or unwell they cannot tell you. Most times all I do is observe their symptoms and contact the veterinary practitioner.

My cat meeny injured her paw in a fight with our other cat that we call Mo. The physical injury appeared to heal quickly but she became nervous and was always trying to hide from Mo who she used to enjoy playing with. She was losing weight and I really didn’t know what course of action I should take to help her.

Having completed the animal healing course earlier that year I decided I would try working on meeny myself. I did some bio energy healing work on her injured paw and her leg using the energise techniques I had learned on the course. I then worked on her solar plexus chakra with bio energy for to help reduce the intensity of her fear following her incident with Mo.

It was difficult to work on her because she kept moving and twisting so I just let her think that I was stroking her which she loved and she would start purring. I repeated this for a few days, and she gradually recovered none the worse for her ordeal. Now I know I can help my cats or my dog any time they need any healing.

More Testimonials

Michael - Florida, USA

Last year I completed the self healing training course online and found it to be most empowering. It helped me with my stress and anxiety and other health issues using bio energy techniques, sound healing, chakra clearing and balancing plus diaphramatic breathing techniques.

Delia - Goderich, Canada

It had everything I wanted and much more. I am a complete sceptic and was not convinced that sound vibrations could have a healing effect on the bodyuntil I did your sound course and started to apply what I learned on family, friends and clients

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