Applying Oisin Bio Energy for babies
Shock or trauma experienced by the mother
Recognising signs of fear or trauma in a baby
Applying distant healing bio energy therapy
Shock or trauma experienced by the mother
Recognising signs of fear or trauma in a baby
Applying distant healing bio energy therapy
This is a unique and effective Holistic Bio Energy healing therapy method developed by the Oisin School of Bio Energy over 29 years ago.
Are you exhausted, concerned, worried about your baby’s health, well-being and progress?
Are you exhausted, concerned, worried about your baby’s health, well-being and progress?
Applying Oisin Bio Energy for babies
We have applied this technique for babies with some amazing results. It is designed specifically for babies who may be affected by shock or trauma pre-birth, during birth or after the birth.
The mother may have experienced shock or trauma during her pregnancy, which in turn may be affecting her baby at this moment in time.
The mother may have experienced shock or trauma during her pregnancy, which in turn may be affecting her baby at this moment in time.
Shock or trauma experienced by the mother
Some incidents or accidents experienced by the mother may be a factor or may contribute to the health issues her baby is experiencing. For example;
It is not necessary for the mother to remember the incidents that may have occurred during the pregnancy, but it is important that the mother doesn’t allow any sense of guilt related to these incidents to control her, no matter what happened.
It is important that all medical causes or reasons are ruled out for any problems related to a baby’s health
It is important to have any problems related to a baby’s health diagnosed and investigated by a medical practitioner.
If a parent has exhausted all (medical avenues) and possible causes related to their baby’s health issues, there are further options they can choose from.
- A mother was involved in a serious car crash at 25 weeks pregnant, where she suffered the loss of as a limb, and serious physical injuries where she was confined to hospital for the remaining weeks of her pregnancy.
- A mother experienced severe shock, trauma and grief with the loss of a loved one when she was 28 weeks pregnant.
- A mother experienced shock and intense fear when she was physically attacked, while she was out walking at 20 weeks pregnant. She spent the remainder of her pregnancy in constant fear of the possible effect this would have on her unborn child.
- A mother felt constant ongoing fear of loss during her pregnancy because of a previous miscarriage and loss.
- A mother felt constant shame and guilt because of the circumstances of the conception of her baby as a result of rape. The mother may reject and be traumatised for a long time because of the circumstances related to becoming pregnant, but she may love her baby dearly.
- A mother may experience fears during pregnancy that she may be unable to take care of, or cope with her new baby.
- A sudden but necessary separation of the mother and baby due to the mother or child’s sickness or ill-health may have an effect on the baby’s sense of security.
It is not necessary for the mother to remember the incidents that may have occurred during the pregnancy, but it is important that the mother doesn’t allow any sense of guilt related to these incidents to control her, no matter what happened.
It is important that all medical causes or reasons are ruled out for any problems related to a baby’s health
It is important to have any problems related to a baby’s health diagnosed and investigated by a medical practitioner.
If a parent has exhausted all (medical avenues) and possible causes related to their baby’s health issues, there are further options they can choose from.
Recognising signs of fear or trauma in a baby
Bio Energy could be effective to apply to a baby who appears to be in a constant state of fear. Possible signs of this could be:
When applying our holistic Bio Energy technique for babies, it is advisable to play harmonious music during the therapy session, and play the same music during each follow-up session.
- The baby constantly clenching their little fists, even as they sleep
- The baby being easily startled
- The baby may appear fearful without any apparent reason or cause
- A baby who has difficulty relaxing and sleeping and awakens easily
- A baby who appears hypersensitive to sound
- A baby who is constantly crying for no recognisable medical or other apparent reason
When applying our holistic Bio Energy technique for babies, it is advisable to play harmonious music during the therapy session, and play the same music during each follow-up session.
Applying distant healing bio energy therapy
This Bio Energy technique can be applied by using distant healing. This is a method of carrying out a Bio Energy healing session on the baby from a distance. The distant makes no difference; it can be 10 feet, 10 miles, 1,000 miles or more.
(The distant healing method is demonstrated on our online Bio Energy training course). Distant healing can be performed whilst the baby is sleeping, or resting in its cot. It is advisable that only the parent or guardian of the baby should carry out this technique. It is not permissible that this technique is applied to any baby, child or young adult without the consent of the parents or guardian.
Always seek medical advice in relation to any health issues, conditions or concerns.
(The distant healing method is demonstrated on our online Bio Energy training course). Distant healing can be performed whilst the baby is sleeping, or resting in its cot. It is advisable that only the parent or guardian of the baby should carry out this technique. It is not permissible that this technique is applied to any baby, child or young adult without the consent of the parents or guardian.
Always seek medical advice in relation to any health issues, conditions or concerns.

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