Energy Healing Methods date back thousands of years in their original form and have been practiced for centuries in different cultures across the globe. It is one of the oldest forms of healing and is so natural it only requires the use of your hands. The knowledge you can learn from this holistic online bio energy training course is invaluable to you as a professional healing practitioner. Learn how energy healing works, why it works and how to apply it with positive intent for to help heal the body from many health issues and conditions.
Our Bio Energy Healing Method is unique in its simplicity and effectiveness. It combines a number of modalities and healing techniques which together form the basis of a modality we have found to be successful when applied for a wide variety of health issues. It is Safe, Non-invasive and Pain Free.
Anyone can learn how to become an energy healer / healing practitioner. No previous experience is required.
Using Bio Energy Healing Therapy the practitioner applies easy to learn techniques to help activate and stimulate the body's life-force energy field system, using just pure energy. This holistic energy medicine is designed to bring about balance where there may be imbalances or energy blockages and help boost the immune system, allowing the body’s own natural inner healing to take place.
Our body wants to be healthy – how can we help?
Our body wants to be healthy and given half a chance we can go through life with a minimum amount of illnesses.
However at times we ignore our body’s needs for healthy foods and activity introducing unhealthy foods and lifestyles, lack of exercise and the stresses of everyday living.
At other times; not allowing our engines to switch off, cool down and rest, limits our ability to heal, repair, recover and maintain good health and well-being.
When our energy is balanced, flowing freely and in synchronicity – we are healthy. However illness, sickness or disease can quickly set in when cells, organs and systems are operating out of sync and out of balance.
The purpose of holistic bio energy healing is to learn how to clear energy blockages and re-balance the body's energy field, allowing the body to heal from the inside out utilising its own natural inner healing process.
The purpose of holistic bio energy healing is to learn how to clear energy blockages and re-balance the body's energy field, allowing the body to heal from the inside out utilising its own natural inner healing process.
We are like waves in the ocean – separate but at the same time connected.
This is what is meant by “We are all one.” Each one of us is part of this one energetic ocean, this one infinite field of pure energy – The Universal Energy Field of Pure Consciousness. Everything is energy, we are energy, energy is all there is!
A healer “channels” life-force energy, acting like a ‘conduit’.
When you work as a therapist / healer or practitioner, using Bio Energy Healing Techniques and Methods, you connect with the universal field of pure energy and act as a conduit, allowing this powerful life-force energy to flow through your body and to the energy field of the patient or client.
Fundamentally Bio Energy Healing is based on the most natural forms of healing – utilising our very own – pure life-force energy. The Holistic Energy Healing therapist / practitioner can learn the many simple techniques and applications which are used to help ‘tune in’ and work with this life-force energy.
Energy Healing Techniques are then applied by the therapist / practitioner to help unblock and clear any blockages or imbalances they may find on the physical, emotional or mental level of the person’s energy field that may be causing pain, sickness, illness or disease.
Fundamentally Bio Energy Healing is based on the most natural forms of healing – utilising our very own – pure life-force energy. The Holistic Energy Healing therapist / practitioner can learn the many simple techniques and applications which are used to help ‘tune in’ and work with this life-force energy.
Energy Healing Techniques are then applied by the therapist / practitioner to help unblock and clear any blockages or imbalances they may find on the physical, emotional or mental level of the person’s energy field that may be causing pain, sickness, illness or disease.

Your most asked question
Is our body made of Energy?
Yes the human body at a quantum /cellular level like everything else in the universe is made of pure energy. This is why energy healing therapy can be so effective as a healing modality. If you would like to know more about this online bio energy course click the link below.