Even the good things in life become too much
With burnout, the body physically, emotionally and mentally simply cannot take any more. Even the good things in life become too much. Paradoxically, the holiday that has been booked that you had looked forward to for months now has become just too much, and panic sets in.
This is a story about a lady who had worked in the earlier years of her life as a full-time nurse, with people with mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, depression and deep psychological trauma.
This is a story about a lady who had worked in the earlier years of her life as a full-time nurse, with people with mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, depression and deep psychological trauma.
She didn’t recognise the symptoms of burnout
In her mid-fifties, she began to experience symptoms of severe tiredness and sometimes exhaustion. She queried that she may be suffering with depression, anxiety, dietary related tiredness, stress or insomnia.
She attended her healthcare practitioner who recommended a series of blood tests which were all clear, and prescribed anti-anxiety medication and sleeping tablets for a specific but short period of time. This helped initially but she knew she still didn’t feel well, but could not identify the cause. She started to worry that she may have some serious illness that had not been identified.
She attended her healthcare practitioner who recommended a series of blood tests which were all clear, and prescribed anti-anxiety medication and sleeping tablets for a specific but short period of time. This helped initially but she knew she still didn’t feel well, but could not identify the cause. She started to worry that she may have some serious illness that had not been identified.
Most of her chakras were out of balance
Based on this she booked in for GDV Health Scan at our clinic. The results of this showed high levels of stress on her adrenal glands, large sections of her bio energy field were quite fragmented. Most of her chakras were out of balance. She could relate to all this, as she had gone through a period of incredible stress, anxiety, family issues, loss, grief, financial loss and chaos.
She and her husband decided to take a short break and booked into a hotel near the sea for a few days, hoping she would feel less stressed and more relaxed.
One evening, when her husband had gone to the leisure centre, she was lying on her bed, looking out the window overlooking the sea. She could see an image of herself drifting across the water, out to sea. It seemed to be free and peaceful, not like the person lying here in the bed.
She thought to herself, that if her body could only catch up with this person who was drifting out to sea, she would feel whole and together again.
As she lay there in a semi-sleep state, she came to realise that her spirit had become disconnected from her body. She was in a room on her own on the fourth floor in this hotel, and started thinking about how she could climb out the window and connect with this part of her that was drifting away out to sea.
She tried to open the window, but there was a safety lock on it and it would only open about three inches. She was struggling to open the window, when her husband returned.
He was totally unaware of the severity of her mental health, and indeed neither was she aware of how she was mentally. But she was absolutely certain of one fact and that was; she didn’t want to end her life in any way. She explained to her husband as best she could what had happened, and what she had just experienced.
Her husband listened and offered his support. They both went for a walk along the prom and spent the next few days talking for what seemed like endless hours.
She and her husband decided to take a short break and booked into a hotel near the sea for a few days, hoping she would feel less stressed and more relaxed.
One evening, when her husband had gone to the leisure centre, she was lying on her bed, looking out the window overlooking the sea. She could see an image of herself drifting across the water, out to sea. It seemed to be free and peaceful, not like the person lying here in the bed.
She thought to herself, that if her body could only catch up with this person who was drifting out to sea, she would feel whole and together again.
As she lay there in a semi-sleep state, she came to realise that her spirit had become disconnected from her body. She was in a room on her own on the fourth floor in this hotel, and started thinking about how she could climb out the window and connect with this part of her that was drifting away out to sea.
She tried to open the window, but there was a safety lock on it and it would only open about three inches. She was struggling to open the window, when her husband returned.
He was totally unaware of the severity of her mental health, and indeed neither was she aware of how she was mentally. But she was absolutely certain of one fact and that was; she didn’t want to end her life in any way. She explained to her husband as best she could what had happened, and what she had just experienced.
Her husband listened and offered his support. They both went for a walk along the prom and spent the next few days talking for what seemed like endless hours.
She began to feel physically rested but mentally tortured
After this short break they returned home, but the intense feeling of desperation and hopelessness persisted day after day. She began to feel physically rested but mentally tortured. There was no name for what had happened in the hotel room or what she was experiencing and going through at this point in time, but she was adamant that she was not suicidal.
There was no logical explanation to what had happened, all she knew was that she needed help. She took time off from work, and spent a lot of time just resting. She attended for counselling and several bio energy therapy sessions. Little by little she felt she was making a recovery.
This recovery was tested shortly afterwards following a minor incident in the home which really upset her. She felt herself drifting again, like the experience she encountered in the hotel bedroom.
There was no logical explanation to what had happened, all she knew was that she needed help. She took time off from work, and spent a lot of time just resting. She attended for counselling and several bio energy therapy sessions. Little by little she felt she was making a recovery.
This recovery was tested shortly afterwards following a minor incident in the home which really upset her. She felt herself drifting again, like the experience she encountered in the hotel bedroom.
I can’t live in this world anymore
She remembered saying to herself: “I can’t live in this world anymore, it’s just too hard and painful.”
That night something registered with her. She knew she had to make a decision regarding how to get more help. Help, in some way, this time, that might be longer-lasting. She talked about it with her husband, family and some friends. They wanted to help, but didn’t understand what she was talking about. She knew for her, it would all be easier to just leave this world, pass over and leave all this behind.
She was at a really low ebb, the lowest place she had ever felt in her life. Late one evening as she rested in an armchair, she closed her eyes to block it all out. It was then she saw the image of a massive tree burned to the ground. It was like a great oak tree burned completely to the ground. All of the leaves were burned off and all the branches blackened and charred. There was nothing but scattered ashes all around it. She realised at some deep level of awareness that this tree was symbolic of her and where she was in life.
She realised she was completely burned out. She said to herself; “this is not some rare disease or depression or anxiety, this is what real burnout is like.” All that was left was just a dark cloud hovering over where this tree once stood.
As she stared at this image in her mind, she wondered what this all meant for her now. As she continued to watch and gaze at this image, a breeze of wind came and blew some of the ashes away. There beneath the ashes was a little small shoot from the roots of the tree that had survived.
A new shoot, meant new life could immerge from the ashes of this burned-out oak tree. As she gazed at this little, delicate, vulnerable shoot of life, she thought; “This is the me that is left, the only part of me that has survived.” The other parts of me have been burned to the ground, but a new me can start again.
She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. A completely new change was required. It meant creating a new way of being, a new way of life, with new learnings, and a new lifestyle. She made a promise and asked God to help her make the necessary changes.
That night something registered with her. She knew she had to make a decision regarding how to get more help. Help, in some way, this time, that might be longer-lasting. She talked about it with her husband, family and some friends. They wanted to help, but didn’t understand what she was talking about. She knew for her, it would all be easier to just leave this world, pass over and leave all this behind.
She was at a really low ebb, the lowest place she had ever felt in her life. Late one evening as she rested in an armchair, she closed her eyes to block it all out. It was then she saw the image of a massive tree burned to the ground. It was like a great oak tree burned completely to the ground. All of the leaves were burned off and all the branches blackened and charred. There was nothing but scattered ashes all around it. She realised at some deep level of awareness that this tree was symbolic of her and where she was in life.
She realised she was completely burned out. She said to herself; “this is not some rare disease or depression or anxiety, this is what real burnout is like.” All that was left was just a dark cloud hovering over where this tree once stood.
As she stared at this image in her mind, she wondered what this all meant for her now. As she continued to watch and gaze at this image, a breeze of wind came and blew some of the ashes away. There beneath the ashes was a little small shoot from the roots of the tree that had survived.
A new shoot, meant new life could immerge from the ashes of this burned-out oak tree. As she gazed at this little, delicate, vulnerable shoot of life, she thought; “This is the me that is left, the only part of me that has survived.” The other parts of me have been burned to the ground, but a new me can start again.
She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. A completely new change was required. It meant creating a new way of being, a new way of life, with new learnings, and a new lifestyle. She made a promise and asked God to help her make the necessary changes.
I will be the great being again that I once was
- I will learn to say the magic word “NO” more often, and mean it.
- I will be the great being again that I once was.
- I haven’t gone anywhere.
- I need the time to heal and grow and stretch my branches up to the sky once again.
The most important learning for her was that she had found the cause of her burnout, and she knew that she had to make some major decisions on how she could prevent anything like this ever happening again – which she did.
All of that happened over twenty years ago. This small shoot continues to grow and expand from the ashes of pain, hurt and burnout.
At the Oisin Healing Centre we apply Bio Energy Therapy in cases where a client attends with symptoms related to burnout, we sometimes recommend that the client also avails of a gas discharge visualisation (GDV) health scan. This health-scan method can be used to interpret how the emotional, mental and physical body has responded to stresses and anxiety, in this person’s life. You can see by the image in the header pic above indicating that large sections of the person’s bio energy field are quite fragmented. This would indicate that this person may have been “burning their candle from both ends” resulting in what is commonly referred to as BURNOUT”.
All of that happened over twenty years ago. This small shoot continues to grow and expand from the ashes of pain, hurt and burnout.
At the Oisin Healing Centre we apply Bio Energy Therapy in cases where a client attends with symptoms related to burnout, we sometimes recommend that the client also avails of a gas discharge visualisation (GDV) health scan. This health-scan method can be used to interpret how the emotional, mental and physical body has responded to stresses and anxiety, in this person’s life. You can see by the image in the header pic above indicating that large sections of the person’s bio energy field are quite fragmented. This would indicate that this person may have been “burning their candle from both ends” resulting in what is commonly referred to as BURNOUT”.

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