Nuala - Los Angeles, USA


I learned the online self healing course first because I felt I needed healing for myself and later I completed the diploma course in bio energy. I have been my husband’s carer for many years after he had a stroke. I felt limited and sometimes isolated but now I feel I can do something worthwhile for myself and my husband. 

Sometimes it was only when I stood still for a few moments to do my diaphramatic breathing that I realised the extent of my stress and exhaustion. I often cried at night because of the hopelessness that I felt. My doctor offered me something to help ease my worries and help me relax but I knew this would be a short term reprieve and I still needed to sort out the cause of my problems.

I seemed to be always on the run in a hurry and had gained a lot of weight from not eating properly and regularly. I learned how to ask for help. I learned to let go. I learned to take time out and take care of myself. I found this most self-empowering and self healing.

I learned how to dowse watching it on your course. This dowsing for health method helped me select the foods most suited to me and decrease the foods I was sensitive to or that might be adding to my stress or weight problem. I still have a large appetite but now it’s geared towards good healthy food.

I have lost weigh and feel so much better. I have now completed the full diploma training course in bio energy healing online and I am now a certified therapist. I intend to use this to help my husband with regular bio energy healing therapy.

In the long term I’m planning to set up my own business as a professional bio energy healing therapist. I couldn’t believe that I could actually learn to feel and sense energy. Once I learned how to do this the rest of the course was easy to follow from then on.

I feel self-empowered and have gained control of my life again and at last I’m taking care of myself. By doing this I know I’m better prepared to take care of others especially those around me. I have learned about healing in natural ways instead of relying on medication.

More Testimonials

Ciaran – Stoke-on-Trent - UK

I do believe there is someone and something out there for everyone. I found what I was looking for when I found your sound healing courses online. I had many jobs in my lifetime but none that really resonated with me until I discovered this amazing course on your website.

Coleen – Mayo, Ireland

I was truly excited when I did the bio energy course. It was everything your website claimed and definitely the most comprehensive training course I have every completed. It was so well laid out and I could follow it step by step with no trouble at all.

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