Sophia – New York, USA


This was an excellent sound healing training course. My first encounter with sound therapy was when I was working as a psychotherapist temporarily using another therapy room. This room was normally used for sound therapy and it had quite a few sound healing instruments all around the room including Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, Khosi bells and various drums.

When I finished that evening my friend Alan who was a sound therapist showed me something I had never seen in my life. He placed a crystal quartz bowl beside an indoor plant on the floor. As he started playing the bowl it created the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The sound was so pure and tranquil and filled the room with vibration.

Then he asked me to look at the plant. As the mallet he was using moved around the rim of the bowl, the leaves on the plant would bend down towards the rim of the bowl and towards the sound. That was many years ago and I thought to myself that if the opportunity ever arose for me to learn about the power of sound I would do so.

When I found your sound healing training course online, I was over the moon. I couldn’t wait to get started. Your advice on choosing a bowl and tuning forks was priceless. I have completed the training, received my certified diploma and have now integrated sound healing into my psychotherapy practice. I now use sound healing instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, gongs and tuning forks in many of my therapy sessions.

More Testimonials

Eithne - Huddersfield, UK

I have done the certified diploma course in bio energy healing mainly for use with family and friends. I followed the video lectures throughout the course step by step. I seen the real benefits of the energy healing course for both myself and my mother who was suffering with Alzeimers.

Hugo - Paignton, England

I never could understand how self healing worked. I always believed that you needed a professional person to heal or cure you, but now that I did your course online, I realise that healing is something that comes from inside of myself and my own health.

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