Discovering all about the sound healing therapy course online opened up limitless possibilities for me. I could learn everything by simply watching video demonstration lectures. I do believe there is someone and something out there for everyone. I found what I was looking for when I found your sound healing course. I had many jobs in my lifetime but none that really resonated with me as much as this one.
I suffered with depression and panic attacks over the years. Large groups felt overwhelming for me. In a question and answer training course I would freeze up and be too shy to ask a question, then afterwards I would get annoyed with myself because didn’t get the information I really wanted to know. I knew I had the ability to learn but had very little self confidence and courage.
I was hypersensitive to sound, raised voices, banging doors and most particularly aggressive sounds. I often wondered why this was so I started to look up anything I could find about sound on my computer. This was when I came across several sites all about healing sounds, sound therapy, the power of sound plus many other sites dedicated to sound.
This was a whole new world for me that prior to this I didn’t even know existed. The more I read about sound the more I was attracted to learn more and best of all I could learn everything online by simply watching video lectures.
I completed your course and although it was a challenge at first it was a challenge I knew I could take on. Completing your course and all that I learned about how sound can be used for healing has given me the confidence to move on to bigger and greater things in my life. The world is a totally different place for me now thanks to you.More Testimonials
Colin – Toronto, Canada
I was pleasantly surprised to find an energy healing training course online for animals. I had never heard of bio energy healing until I completed this course. I feel this course could be of benefit to anyone who works with animals professionally or may have an animal as a pet.
Kirk - Ayr, Scotland
What an amazing bio energy healing course. I couldn’t believe it when I registered and received the vast amount of video lectures. At first I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the course, but after viewing a few sections on videos I realised that it was quite easy to follow.