How sound healing therapy helped my anxiety and panic attacks

How Sound Healing Therapy helped my anxiety and panic attacks

I am forty five years of age and I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks following a motor cycle accident several years ago. In recent years this has become like a full-blown panic attack. The slightest bit of stress would bring on an attack. I have tried to relax, focus and stay in the moment.

I was on the periphery of life

I feel at times I was on the periphery of life and never really got into it. Someone once told me I was like a scared deer standing in the headlights of an oncoming car.

I found I was getting progressively worse as I was getting older. My coping abilities were becoming less and less. My family were losing their patience with me. I was quite musical and could relax listening to music or playing music but all of this seemed to vanish when I stopped playing the piano and rarely listened to music.

I attended for sound healing therapy

A new alternative medical centre opened close to where I lived. I was attracted by the sign that read ‘sound healing therapy’. I decided to visit there and make an appointment. The therapist explained in detail how sound healing actually worked and what was involved in a sound therapy session.

On my first appointment I was a little apprehensive but I was reassured that nothing was going to happen that I need be afraid of. The sound healer used a big Tibetan singing bowl over and around my body. I felt a tingling sensation when the bowl was held over areas of my body where I had old physical injuries.

The therapist explained that the vibration and frequencies of the bowl was helping to activate healthy cellular activity where there was a physical injury or damage to muscles or tissues.

On the next session the therapist told me that he would be working on my chakras especially the ones related to fear and anxiety and explained that this would be my solar plexus chakra, plus the base chakra for shock.

After this session I had periods of calm and peace. I found that as I focused on the sound of the Tibetan bowl, my mind did not wander to the past or the future as I would normally be doing. I felt like I was in a bubble of beautiful sound and I really wanted this to last as long as possible.

I was encouraged to purchase a Tibetan singing bowl

The therapist encouraged me to purchase a Tibetan singing bowl for myself so that long-term I could apply sound healing therapy for myself anytime I felt I needed it.

This is what I really benefited from. I didn’t have to wait for an appointment with the sound therapist. I could do so much for myself. Thankfully my anxiety attacks are well under control now and I know how to handle them, and I am enjoying playing the piano again.

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