Sound Healing Therapy Helped my Aches, Pains & Mood Swings

How sound healing therapy helped my aches, pains & mood swings

I have suffered from mood swings and aches and pains on and off for years. My doctor prescribed medication which helped most of the time. In recent years I felt the need to look at some alternative healing method and opted for sound healing. My life changed for the better after I experienced a sound healing therapy session where the therapist conducted the session with great empathy.

Approximately two years ago I had a bad fall off my motorbike and I dislocated my shoulder. This had become very swollen and painful so I was searching around for some alternative or complementary medicine that may be able to help me.

I happened to come across a sound healing therapist on the internet that practiced locally and I booked in for a number of sessions. I was very impressed by the amount of equipment the therapist had on display. He had Tibetan singing bowls and lots of tuning forks, different sized bells, crystal quartz bowls plus two great big gongs which he said he used for gong baths.

He asked me a couple of questions about my accident but spent most of the time talking about himself and all his qualifications. As the sound therapy progressed I didn’t feel any connection between me and the sound. I just did not connect with it. Even though I liked the principle of how sound healing should work I felt for me there was something missing.

A month later I came across another person who was doing sound healing therapy. I decided to have another go. This person had only two or three types of Tibetan singing bowls and a large Chinese gong. He described the instruments and how he intended to use them around my body during the therapy session.

He asked me a lot about myself and my health. I felt empathy emanating from this person straight away and I felt he understood my health issues. He suggested that I lie on the therapy table and close my eyes and try to relax. He proceeded to work with a large Tibetan singing bowl around my body.

The sound was beautiful and serene. I felt the vibrations of the bowl as it passed over and around my body. I felt I was enveloped and cared for in a bubble of calming, healing sound. This was a completely different experience from the previous sound healing session a month before. I felt that this is what I had been searching for.

I enjoyed and felt the benefits from these sound healing therapy sessions. I know now that the person who can empathize while applying sound therapy has a far greater capacity to help with healing.

I noticed the swelling in my shoulder and my pains and aches had greatly diminished. There was definitely something transformational in the sound and vibrations because my mood swings lessened after about four sound healing sessions.

The therapist suggested that I purchase a singing bowl for my own self-healing which I did and now use this on a daily basis to relax and meditate with. I now feel enlightened and hopeful and my physical and emotional health has greatly improved.

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