This is a very professional online energy healing training course. It demonstrates so clearly how and why bio energy healing has the ability to help with so many health concerns in a therapy situation. I am a person that questions everything. If I cannot understand how something works I will persevere until I get the answer. When I learned how to do psychokinesis and how the power of life-force energy can move another person several feet away, it confirmed for me the extraordinary power that exists within our body and within the human energy field
I had been on the lookout for a new career opportunity and was considering applying for another bio energy healing course workshop but I had a lot of financial outgoings. I searched the web for some alternative to the live bio-energy healing workshop as the total price was well outside my budget.
This was why your online bio energy healing course appealed to me straight away. I could learn the full course in my own home, in my own time, at my own pace. Everything was included and covered in your full range of practical video lectures. It was so feasible, the price was reasonable, there was no travelling or accommodation costs involved and I would get my certified diploma at the end when I completed the course.
This was a win win situation for me and was why I opted for your online bio energy course. It ticked all the boxes and I got what was promised without compromise. As soon as I finished your course and received my diploma in bio energy healing therapy I applied and received my practitioner’s insurance and also public liability. This enabled me to set up my practice in a professional manner from the beginning.
It took a couple of months to settle in and get going and in this time I managed to get in a lot of practice. Now thankfully my business is up and running and my diary is as full as I need it to be. It all worked out so smoothly with no problems or hiccups and I am enjoying my new career as a certified bio energy healing therapist. My dream was always to become an energy healer from the moment that I learned how to feel and sense the energy in my own two hands. I’m very grateful for a well presented professional course.
More Testimonials
Angela - Surrey, United Kingdom
I was apprehensive at first that sound healing could be learned online. My initial thoughts were that this is daft. However, as I watched all the sound healing instruments being demonstrated live, I was able to learn straight away how to use bowls,
Matilo - Miri, Malaysia
Thank you for your bio energy healing training course which I have now finished online. I was so pleased when I logged in and saw so many video lessons appear on my phone. The quality was great and so easy to follow and learn from the way the teachers presented each section.