Damien – Glasgow, Scotland


I am now a certified sound healer / therapist. It all started when I found your website and your sound healing training course website online. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for except that I was looking for something interesting that would involve sound or music which I love. I noticed this sound healing course and it immediately appealed to me.

I enrolled for your course at first because I never learned how to play any instrument and here was an opportunity to create sounds and music by simply tapping bowls. That was my first reaction. What amazed me after this was that these instruments could be used in a therapy situation for healing purposes which is something else I have always had an interest in.

I watched the first few instruction videos and I was straightaway impressed by the sheer professionalism of the video presentations and the beautiful sounds that could be created by crystal quartz bowls and gongs. I began to see that here is something that I can train in as a career, become a sound healing therapist and work with these amazing instruments each day.

After watching the video that gave advice on selecting the best instruments to purchase, I ordered a selection of instruments as an investment in my future business. This included seven tuning forks for chakra clearing and balancing, a set of seven crystal quartz bowls, a Chinese gong, plus two lovely sounding Tibetan singing bowls.

The instruments I had ordered online arrived halfway through my course which allowed me to emulate and practice what I was seeing in all the course demonstration video lectures.

This all happened towards the end of last year and I haven’t looked back since. I started my sound healing therapy practice by inviting family members and friends for group therapy sessions and as word of mouth began to spread far and wide my clientele expanded into a successful and rewarding career as a sound healing therapist. For all your encouragement and support throughout the course I am forever grateful.

More Testimonials

Fran - Kildare, Ireland

Thank you, John & Patricia, for a wonderful bio energy course. It was so easy to follow your many online training videos on my mobile. Watching them, I was able to learn and understand how and when to use the energy healing positions and movements.

Karen – Sydney, Australia

I trusted my gut feeling and completed the bio energy healing training course online. I can’t believe it was so simple to learn by watching the many video lessons. An online course felt overwhelming initially as I am a very hands-on type of person, but I was thrilled with the course.

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