As a result of some traumas in my own life I searched on line and discovered this bio energy course which I must say I have found most beneficial.
I originally did the self healing course, and learned how to apply bio energy healing for my own chakras. This helped me so much as I had quite a lot of emotional trauma in my early life. I was a bit bewildered by how it actually worked, but I still believed in it and eventually understood it once I learned the principal behind energy healing as a therapy.
A year later I went online and registered for the bio energy healing training course as I felt that I wanted to be able to help others who may have had similar experiences to my own in their lives. I know that this bio energy therapy was really helpful for emotional and mental trauma but seeing how effectively it worked when applied for aches and pains, injuries and muscle tension truly inspired me to want to work in the healing area as a therapist. I found the training techniques were easy and uncomplicated the way it was presented in video lessons.
I was particularly fascinated at the dowsing section. I had always dabbled in a bit of dowsing and the training on dowsing was the missing link for me. I never realised how much information you can derive from using a pendulum. I took to it like a duck to water it was just so natural to me.
I remembered when I was young a man came to our farm to dowse for water. He used a ‘y’ shaped wooden stick and walked around the field and eventually picked a spot where he said there was water underneath the ground. My father and some friends dug at this spot and sure enough there was a well that supplied us with water and that well is still there today.
I now use my dowsing skills to check chakras for blockages and also check my clients for food sensitivities. I have noticed that in some cases a client’s health problem may at times be related to foods they may be sensitive to. I have also have applied the dowsing methods for checking a business premises, houses and land for geopathic stress with truly amazing results. I only recently discovered the negative impact that geopathic stress can have on a person’s health.
The last thing I could have imagined is that one day I would train as an bio energy healing therapist and I am so glad I did. I am now working as a full time energy healing therapist with a successful practice and loving every minute of it. I thank you for all your guidance and help during my training.
More Testimonials
Kevin - Durham, England
I have been feeling stressed for years. I completed the self healing plus the sound healing courses online and purchased my first set of tuning forks plus two Tibetan singing bowls after I attended for therapy with a practitioner who had trained in bio energy and sound therapy.
Sam - Rome, Italy
This was a unique online training course in animal bio energy healing using alternative medicine with video lectures on chakra balancing for fear or trauma. My dream was to do some type of alternative medicine healing work with animals and this course provided the opportunity.