I mainly work is as a massage therapist. When I finished the bio energy healing online training course and started using the many techniques I learned, I was surprised with the results I was getting. This unique combination of bio energy healing methods for organs, glands and different health problems seemed very subtle but yet quite effective and powerful.
It was one of the most practical and professional online courses I have studied and nothing was left to chance. I now have learned the importance of balancing the chakras and the body’s energy field and where and when to use the many hand movements and hand positions for maximum benefit.
I was surprised to learn how bio energy healing techniques could be applied to help relieve tension in tight tense muscles and how this can help with possible problems related to the back and spine and in turn the nerves exiting from the spinal column. This was very useful to me as a massage therapist.
I was spell-bound when I watched the section on psychokinesis and how you can move another person’s body at a distance purely by using the energy field of your hands. This proved for me the incredible power of our energy field and the power that exists in something most of us cannot even see.
I was particularly impressed with the dowsing section. I believed that dowsing was for the chosen few and that it was a special gift and was so excited when I studied your course and discovered that I could use a pendulum and do what I had seen other dowsers doing.
I had never heard of geopathic stress until I studied your videos on dowsing, and since then I have been checking rooms and houses and was quite surprised how many people are affected by geopathic stress and how it can have such an impact on a person’s health. This was all new to me.
I have some reading difficulties, however learning by watching the practical tutor-led video demonstrations made it so easy to learn. Overall this course opened up my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. My thanks to your tutors.
More Testimonials
John – Texas, USA
Since completing the online animal bio energy healing training course I have a new sense of purpose. It was so easy to just click on a video for any of the techniques and watch them. My eyes welled with tears of joy when I held my certified certificate in my hands for the first time.
Alan - Luton, England
Each day I take out the notes I wrote as I did your energy healing course, and each day I understand more clearly the depth of information shared in the many energy healing videos and lectures.Each time I read the notes and watch the videos again it makes more sense.