Carmen – Texas, USA


I completed the animal energy healing course online two years ago. I had searched for an e-learning training program of study because of my love of animals and I wanted to learn about animal energy healing at home without the time and expense of travelling to a weekend workshop.

I had recently acquired two German shepherds one male and one female. When I first brought them to my home both dogs were rescue dogs and were very malnourished and ill-treated prior to being rescued.

They were very nervous, fearful, traumatised and unsettled particularly the female. She would tremble when she was approached even for feeding. I decided not to apply bio energy healing directly to her because of her nervousness.

I remembered the distant healing therapy methods from the many practical videos I watched about how to reduce fear and shock by working on the animal’s chakras using bio energy. I decided to try this first and was surprised and delighted with the results.

I thought it was my imagination but other family members noticed a distinct change in her. I continued with the distant healing applying this method to both dogs until they had both settled.

I have noticed a marked improvement in their physical and emotional health and wellbeing. We now have two happy and friendly relaxed dogs. I would never have believed that this bio energy healing could be just as powerful from a distance, but it is. Carmen.

More Testimonials

Geri – Amsterdam, Holland

The more I read the more I was convinced that the online bio energy healing training course was the one for me. Four weeks later I received my certified diploma. I felt drawn to the whole area of holistic or alternative healing of some kind and knew this was the course for me.

Marcey – Malaga, Spain

The online animal bio energy healing training course provided an ideal platform for learning about energy fields in animals and how to clear and balance chakras for emotional issues. My dog kept breaking out of her recreation area and a friend had suggested that she may be stressed.

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