Kevin - Durham, England


I have been feeling stressed for years. As an electrician I would be on call almost every night and between electrical breakdowns and staff shortages my home life was nonexistent. My wife had enough of my life-style so she packed up and left me over a year ago. This was a major shock for me as I believed I had been a good husband and father to our two children.

Following this break-up I started getting constant colds and flu’s which put added pressure on me. My eating habits were irregular and not always healthy.

Approximately three months ago I received devastating news on one of my regular health check-ups. My doctor found a small lump in the area of the prostate gland and he also discovered that my blood pressure was way above the normal level. I was sent to see a specialist and after numerous tests I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

I felt gutted. It felt like my life was about to end. My wife was gone and my health was nearly gone. I had no particular beliefs in a God or anything else, but I started to pray to someone out there for help. I was regularly having treatment and medication for my cancer and my blood pressure. One day I was doing an electrical repair job in a small yoga studio, when I noticed a sign on the wall for bio energy therapy and sound healing therapy.

I scribbled down the contact numbers and the website address. I then rang the people at this energy healing website who directed me to a person who had trained with them who did energy and sound therapy. Even though it was quite a distance from where I lived I booked in for their recommended five therapy sessions.

I felt really tired after the first two sessions or combined bio energy therapy and sound healing therapy, but I also felt lighter than I had felt in years. It was like a burden had been lifted from all over my body. When I told the therapist how I had slight aches and pains after the therapy she explained that this was a good sign as it was an indication that my muscles were trying to unwind and relax after years of been would up and uptight.

She explained that muscles that were once the size of a football could be tightened and squeezed down to the size of a golf ball due to my stress. I could understand this when she explained and demonstrated to me by squeezing her fist, how all the blood ceased to circulate and the skin went white and when she relaxed her fist all the blood rushed back into her hand.

I thought to myself that all my organs, glands and cells must be starved of oxygen and a healthy blood supply by the way I had been stressing and pressurising myself and everyone else around me as well.

During the third and fourth session of energy healing and sound vibration healing therapy I felt subtle changes taking place in my overall body. When I attended my doctor for my next check-up he told me that my blood pressure was almost back to normal. I knew there were life-style changes I needed to make. I needed to take responsibility for my own health and behaviour.

Being an electrician I was fascinated by the vibrations of the sound healing therapy as well as the bio energy therapy. Shortly after this I decided to take the next step and learn more about it. I completed both the sound healing training course and the self healing course online and purchased my first set of tuning forks plus two Tibetan singing bowls.

I know and believe that I can heal this illness and be healthy again. I’m pleased to say my wife and children are back in my life again. I know that I can make small but important changes in my life step by step. I can make these changes for me.

I now apply bio energy along with sound healing on a regular basis to help with my stress and my health. At last I can do something that can help me to get well and stay well. At some future stage I might even get around to helping others now that I have a certified diploma in sound healing therapy.

More Testimonials

Angela - Surrey, United Kingdom

I was apprehensive at first that sound healing could be learned online. My initial thoughts were that this is daft. However, as I watched all the sound healing instruments being demonstrated live, I was able to learn straight away how to use bowls,

Norman – Birmingham, UK

Training in this energy healing really opened my eyes and my mind to limitless possibilities. It was a most enlightening online bio energy course. I know now that energy healing therapy crosses all borders.  Initially I couldn't understand how something so subtle could be so powerful. 

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