Mary Louise, New Jersey USA


For a long time I have been studying sound healing on the internet and comparing different sound healing workshops. It was difficult to see a sound healing course that stood out from the rest until I stumbled upon your online sound healing course.

Up to now I had never attempted an online course because I would have thought that a practical course like sound healing could not be learned or taught online. I completed the course and I have to say it was one of the easiest and most enjoyable learning experiences I have ever had. Your background staff must have spent many years developing this as it looks on a par with some of the top university college courses that I see advertised and marketed online.

What struck me straight away was the amount of information that was shared in the many practical sound healing lessons and lectures. It was very easy to follow the course as it went through the basics of sound and moved on to the techniques and learning how sound healing instruments can actually be applied for healing various health concerns. 

I was thrilled that it went into great detail demonstrating each instrument like the Tibetan singing bowls and all the various types and sizes and different ways to use them for sound therapy. The section on gongs was amazing. I loved the very large Chinese gong and how it was used in a therapy situation and with a sound bath group healing workshop, most interesting indeed.

I was particularly drawn to the sections on tuning forks and I learned so much from this. I have had a set of tuning forks for years just sitting on a shelf and at last I have learned all the different ways they can be used in a therapy environment. Now that I have finished I am really looking forward to becoming my own boss and setting up my own business as a sound healer.

More Testimonials

Jane – Herefordshire, UK

The animal bio energy healing online course was absolutely top class. The videos explained in great detail from the basics to the advanced healing methods. It helped me to understand in greater detail all about the animal's chakras, the energy field and the emotional body.

Monica – St Augustine, USA

I did my training in sound healing online and wondered how sound could possibly heal. After viewing the video lectures and reading an excellent article on your website on the importance of using empathy as a therapist as you apply the sound vibrations I could totally understand it.

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