Deirdre – Birmingham, UK


I have completed so many online training courses in the past that my family would often ask me when I was going to make use of all that I’ve learned. The problem is that I really didn’t have that much confidence in myself.

I enrolled in the self healing course so I could help and take care of my own health. This was a first for me as I took a leap of faith and completed a course that would help me personally. It was laid out so simply with video after video demonstrating how I could empower myself to be in the moment, present and relaxed and take each day one at a time. This helped me learn how to heal my own body and take better care of my own health and wellbeing.

It was then I decided that I would really like to work in the area of health and learn a therapy where I could help others to heal. Completing the self healing course gave me the confidence to go ahead with the full course in bio energy healing. My gut feeling told me that this online energy healing training course was the therapy that I would feel most comfortable to work at professionally.

I could not believe that so much valuable information would be included in the bio energy healing course. The tutors on the training videos made each section of the course look so simple and easy to follow. The introduction videos helped me get my head around the basic principles. Once I could grasp that I had no problem at all progressing through the rest of the video lectures.  

As I continued through the course I felt secure in the fact that if I had any doubts at any stage I could re-watch the video demonstrations over and over again. In addition I knew I could get in touch with the tutors at any stage if I needed assistance.

When I started to practice and apply the healing techniques initially with my family and friends I would occasionally glance at the video lectures on my phone just to recap and refresh my memory. After watching and repeating video lessons a few times I amazed myself how quickly I learned the full course.

It was a good idea to teach the basic techniques before showing how to apply them for all the many health issues. This course covered everything that I needed to learn and now that I have my diploma and my insurance I am ready to get up and running and start my own business as a bio energy healing therapist.

More Testimonials

Angela - Surrey, United Kingdom

I was apprehensive at first that sound healing could be learned online. My initial thoughts were that this is daft. However, as I watched all the sound healing instruments being demonstrated live, I was able to learn straight away how to use bowls,

Jane – Herefordshire, UK

The animal bio energy healing online course was absolutely top class. The videos explained in great detail from the basics to the advanced healing methods. It helped me to understand in greater detail all about the animal's chakras, the energy field and the emotional body.

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