Dermott – Dunkeid, Scotland


My journey back to batter health has been a tough one. I am sixty four years of age and I am a brick layer. I was always fit and healthy and enjoyed life. I worked in the building trade, smoked about ten cigarettes a day and I had a few pints of beer at the weekend. I was married with four grown up children.   

All was well until about four years ago when I got chest pains at work. I ignored them at first but they got worse and I ended up in hospital with a massive heart attack. They put in a few stints and this seemed to work for me. I tried to cut down on my smoking and drinking and eating unhealthy foods and became a bit obsessed about my health.

I was doing quite well until two years ago when my wife died suddenly of a stroke. I was devastated following this and some days I would feel positive and on other days I would feel down and hopeless about myself and everything I was doing. Two months ago while working on a roof I slipped and fell to the ground. I pulled a muscle in my right leg and my back was in agony. I had numerous tests and x-rays but the results showed I had no broken bones, just muscle damage.

The pain when I lay down at night would be excruciating. I took pain killers to help with the pain which helped a little but I was finding it difficult to work during the day.  My doctor suggested that I learn to de-stress and relax, go fishing or do some gentle swimming exercises. I just didn’t seem to have the will to do all these things on my own, things that my wife and I used to enjoy doing together. At times I felt I hadn’t really dealt with the loss of my wife.

One day I felt so miserable I decided to see if I could do any more to improve my own health. I went on the internet to see what was out there to help with back pain. There were all sorts of potions and possible cures, but one thing caught my attention. There was a long explanation about sound therapy and how it could work and it all sounded a bit farfetched, but because it was a different approach I decided I would give it a try. I contacted a bio energy healing therapist who booked me in for five sessions. This person also did sound healing therapy and combined the two therapies.

The therapist explained to me how my muscles would have contracted and squeezed down at the time of my heart attack and the same again at the time of the sudden death of my wife. The therapist decided to apply bio energy healing to help decrease the level of shock and trauma and to help relax me. She then applied sound therapy to all the areas of physical, damage in my body including my heart, the muscles in my back, and the muscles in the backs of my legs.

When she used a big Tibetan singing bowl I could feel the tingling sensations running up and down my back and spine. Everywhere she held the bowl I felt this tingling sensation. It felt like hundreds of small springs unwinding one after the other. She explained that this was to help healthy cells become activated and to help stimulate healthy blood cells in areas where there was damage or injury.

After the fourth session the therapist showed me how to do certain relaxation exercises that I could do myself. The work she did helped me to process the loss of my wife and it allowed me to grieve this loss. I knew at some level that this was important so that I could move on with my life. There were happy memories and sad memories but I didn’t try to block them. I would take a deep breath and allow the feelings, whatever they may be, to come and go.

My overall body started to relax, my back felt good and the pains were practically gone. I felt the sound therapy was something I would be able to apply myself so I bought myself two Tibetan singing bowls after completing the online sound healing course. I have been learning all that I could about bio energy and sound healing, how it works and why it works and most importantly how I can use this for myself.

More Testimonials

John – Texas, USA

Since completing the online animal bio energy healing training course I have a new sense of purpose. It was so easy to just click on a video for any of the techniques and watch  them. My eyes welled with tears of joy when I held my certified certificate in my hands for the first time.  

Abigail – Edmonton, Canada

Last year I decided to enrol for the full certified diploma course in bio energy healing. It was so natural and easy to learn as I had already completed the online self healing training course. I work as a special needs assistant for children which I love but it can be stressful at times. 

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