Jim - Wales, UK


Learning the various self healing techniques plus the deep spiritual guidance from the course book has given me control over my own health and wellbeing once again and has changed my life forever. My life and health were thrown into turmoil following a car accident when my car left the road and crashed into a wall.

Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually I felt like my whole world had collapsed around me. After I was released from hospital I was advised to take time out, de-stress, relax and have plenty of rest for the time being and allow my body to repair itself.

I had two broken ribs and I couldn’t walk without a crutch because of damage to my right hip joint. I felt anxious and nervous and was still in shock and visibly shaking even three weeks later. I knew God had some purpose for me on this earth but he was slow in showing me what I was meant to do. Perhaps the message for me was to slow down in everything I was doing.

I felt useless. I couldn’t do all the things I used to do like play sport or take my children swimming. I couldn’t even do ordinary things like cutting the lawn or going for a walk beside the sea. I became very introverted. My family were beginning to lose their patience with me. I knew I couldn’t go back to the way things were and I felt I couldn’t move forwards because I didn’t know how to move on.

One day as I searched the internet I found this website promoting an online self healing training course. It described ways I could learn to use my own natural inner healing energy to help my healing process. Straight away this appealed to me. I could feel intuitively that this was for me. I enrolled and completed the self healing course.

It came with an amazing e-book called ‘Be Your Own Therapist’ a book on spiritual guidance and self-development and empowerment. It was full of stories I could easily relate to because I could see myself in every chapter and every story. I began to see the journey I had been on, driving too fast, not getting proper sleep, not eating proper meals and being angry and impatient with everything and with everybody around me.

I began to see that it was inevitable that I would end up the way I did with a crashed car and my body damaged, but maybe I had something to learn here. Maybe this would be the catalyst for me to begin making changes in my life.

This course had so much information staring me in the face with many self healing techniques and easy to learn self help tips for maintaining better health.  It demonstrated ways of using sound healing instruments with Tibetan singing bowls and energy healing methods for helping to heal my physical body.

I was able to learn how to use bio energy for chakra clearing and chakra balancing for my emotional body and within a few days of applying the bio energy healing methods and occasional sound vibrations I could feel positive changes occurring within my body on many levels. I know I still have a lot of self healing work to do but I’m taking it one day at a time. Thank you for enlightening me and sharing your valuable knowledge and expertise. I am now on a new, exciting and fulfilling journey.

More Testimonials

Moya – Dublin Ireland

I have the highest praise for the team behind the online energy healing training course. It was easy to follow as I studied my way through the many video lessons. I'm delighted I took this course in bio energy healing as a therapy for aches, pains, injury and balancing chakras.

Geraldine – Middlesex, UK

I recently finished the online training course in energy healing. I was amazed learning psychokinesis and about the life-force energy field and chakras. I have trained in many areas of alternative and complementary medicine such as massage, reflexology and acupuncture.

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