Shirley – Edinborough, Scotland


I was very impressed with this online training course in bio energy healing. Once I got started I couldn’t get enough of it and wanted to watch and learn more and more of the video lectures. I got through it so fast I surprised myself.

I know I had a year to get through it but it was so exciting learning how and why healing takes place in the body. I had always wanted to understand more about bio energy therapy and you made it look so simple. It was very easy to follow. I always had an interest in health and wellbeing especially alternative medicine, but I never knew how to get started or even consider it as a career.

I have now studied all the video lectures in depth and I know I am well capable of having a future in bio energy healing therapy as a career for myself and my family and friends. When I found your course I just knew that this was the way forward for me.

I was amazed how dowsing worked and that I could learn how to dowse. I thought that this was a special gift that only some people had. This has given me so much more insight into my own capabilities. I am now looking forward to a new career in the area of health and wellbeing. Thanks for all your advice and continuing support.

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Norman – Birmingham, UK

Training in this energy healing really opened my eyes and my mind to limitless possibilities. It was a most enlightening online bio energy course. I know now that energy healing therapy crosses all borders.  Initially I couldn't understand how something so subtle could be so powerful. 

Anita – Quebec, Canada

I work as a full-time teacher. I have three young children. I didn’t feel I would have the time to do yet another course, especially online. My life is quite stressful, but seeing so many people around me becoming ill and stressed out, I decided to do the self healing course for myself.

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