This online bio energy healing training course suited me perfectly. The teachers delivered each video lecture in a way that I could completely understand and learn every technique very easily. I am fifty years of age and dyslexic so my reading skills were never good at school and there was very little sympathy for me.
I am one of these people when I see something demonstrated I rarely forget it. When I was at school I used to get my mother to do my homework which did not help me long-term. I was bullied at school because I was such a slow learner and didn’t quite understand what the teacher was teaching. This made me even more frustrated.
To practice I set up my laptop beside a therapy table and watched each tutored lecture one after the other on video. That way I could follow the course from start to finish without any problem. I made up a very rough life-size model out of pillows and covered them with a onesie. It was easy to learn then as I was able to copy each movement that I saw on the videos. This was the fulfilment of a lifelong ambition for me as I have always wanted to work in the area of alternative medicine and the health inductry.
I am now explaining about the difficulties I had learning in school so that you will see why I was so excited to see how your course was delivered in simple easy to learn videos. I am pleased to say that I completed your bio energy healing course and received my diploma.
Since setting up my bio energy healing therapy centre I have seen my business increase on a month by month basis. It is rewarding to be receiving such great encouragement from my clients. I have not started doing any distant healing but I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually. PS, I loved the sections on chakras and on dowsing they were just fascinating. Thanks for your help throughout my training.
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Martin – New Jersey, USA
I would be an absolute sceptic about the existence of something I cannot see such as bio energy. I completed the online animal energy healing training course and started applying what I learned to my dog. After a few minutes of bio energy therapy Cleo stood up and walked away.
Alan - Luton, England
Each day I take out the notes I wrote as I did your energy healing course, and each day I understand more clearly the depth of information shared in the many energy healing videos and lectures.Each time I read the notes and watch the videos again it makes more sense.