My mother brought me for bio energy healing when I was very young. As I grew older I always had some interest in energy healing as a therapy and attended myself on and off for bio energy healing therapy whenever I felt the need to do so.
Now that I am a mother myself, I decided to reawaken my interest in bio energy therapy. I found this energy healing training course online and was thrilled that I could complete the entire course from the comfort of my own home where I live with my husband and three small children.
It was enlightening and informative especially the video demonstration lectures which were so easy to follow and understand. I have difficulty absorbing information that I read however when I see a practical demonstration visually in front of me I can pick it up straight away.
The psychokinesis was absolutely amazing how one person can move another person just using energy fields. I also have been making great use of the information on dowsing and use this to select foods that my clients may have a sensitivity to, to help improve their health.
I have attended a number of live workshops and much preferred your online course. It was presented in a very similar fashion but a lot easier for me to follow. Also, I could wind back and repeat view any of the video demonstrations I wanted to review again and again, which you can’t do on a live workshop. I now run my own bio energy healing therapy practice which I thoroughly enjoy. Thank you so much for your course and great after service support.
More Testimonials
Alan - Luton, England
Each day I take out the notes I wrote as I did your energy healing course, and each day I understand more clearly the depth of information shared in the many energy healing videos and lectures.Each time I read the notes and watch the videos again it makes more sense.
Amelia - Brisbane, Australia
I went for the bio energy, sound, self and animal healing courses bundle because I couldn’t make my mind up which online training course to enrol for first. I’m delighted to now have all four courses. I learned that if I am not healthy myself I cannot take care of someone else.