Odin – Alice Springs, Australia


This self healing online course gave me a new lease of life. I had been unable to return to my original job following a back injury. I was experiencing a lot of aches and pains in my joints. I suspected some of the foods I was eating could be contributing to these pains, but I could never find out which foods might be affecting me.

The dowsing for me was a great addition to this online therapy course. It was so empowering to be able to self dowse and discover which foods might be affecting me or causing my pains. I eliminated certain foods from my diet and was surprised that my aches and pains reduced dramatically and I had very little discomfort.

The methods suggested just using bio energy with my hands for working on my own chakras seemed off the wall. I’ve got to say that rubbing my hands around in circles looked like mumbo jumbo. How was I to expect something as daft as this to help me in any way?

Then I remembered when I was young if I fell or hurt myself my mother would just rub her hand over my knee if it was an injury or over my tummy if I had a stomach pain and within a short time the pain would be gone. I used to think my mother had some magic gift. I don’t think she really knew it at the time but this was bio energy therapy in its most basic form.

After watching all the video lectures on human energy fields and chakras I now believe without doubt that we all have the power and ability to self heal our own body.


More Testimonials

Mick - Birmingham, UK

I worked as a train driver and was overweight and suffered with worry and anxiety plus I had aches and pains throughout my body. Everyone around me seemed to have the answer to my problems except me. The best thing I did was to enroll for the self healing onlne training course.

Monica – St Augustine, USA

I did my training in sound healing online and wondered how sound could possibly heal. After viewing the video lectures and reading an excellent article on your website on the importance of using empathy as a therapist as you apply the sound vibrations I could totally understand it.

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