Una - Bedford, England


I know this is a long story but I wanted to share it with you and tell you how bio energy healing therapy changed my life. I have suffered with anxiety, panic attacks and depression since my early teens. I was bullied at school on a regular basis because of my weight. My parents had huge expectations of me because my two older sisters were very academic. I never fulfilled their expectations of me. I never felt good enough. I left school as soon as I could and found a job working as a care assistant in a home for the elderly.

I met my husband while I was working there. I got pregnant within six months of meeting him. I was nineteen years old then. I had my second child two years later. My husband worked away from home so I felt overwhelmed, lost and alone. My family couldn’t understand why I was so unhappy. Shortly after the birth of my second child I suffered severe depression. I had episodes of panic that were so bad I felt frozen on the spot. At times I couldn’t move with fear.

One day I left my two children with my mother who lived about twenty miles away. I went home and took an overdose of pills that my doctor had prescribed for my depression. I didn’t want to kill myself but I couldn’t see how I could be of any use to anyone. I felt so low, so helpless and useless to my two children. My neighbour found me shortly after I took the overdose and I spent a few days in hospital.

My husband was saddened, shocked and annoyed. He told me I needed to pull myself together for the sake of the children. I went for counselling and started a new regime of medication. The medication seemed to help a little but I felt drowsy and dopey most of the time. I had also gained a lot of weight over the past few years which didn’t help with my self esteem.

I felt my life was falling apart. It all came to a head one day when I was taking the baby’s pushchair out of the car; I slipped on the icy footpath and broke my leg in two places. I was back in the hospital once again. I returned home with a cast on my leg. I really had a problem now. I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t walk without crutches. My husband had to take time off from work to look after me and the children. It was a time of discomfort, helplessness, hopelessness and physical and emotional pain.

It was also a time of reflection for me. I couldn’t run away from my issues. I learned how to ask for help from family, friends and neighbours. I had time to reflect and think about where some of my problems may have originated. I remembered clearly being criticised at school for my lack of abilities. I wasn’t good at sport. I wasn’t good at music. I wasn’t good at mathematics in fact I couldn’t remember what I was good at.

Even when it came to sports I felt too fat, too tall and too awkward, so rather than the embarrassment of trying I would pretend I was sick so I didn’t have to participate. I never seemed to fit in anywhere or with anyone. I believed my husband loved me but I felt he had difficulty at times coping with my moods and erratic behaviour. All of this went round and around in my head.

I spent a lot of time sitting down so I had a lot of time on my hands. I never really learned how to use a computer so I started practising on my husband’s computer. One day I came across a website all about bio energy healing therapy. I read all I could about it and how it was applied not only for physical problems but also for emotional issues by working on the body's energy field and the chakras. it all made so much sense to me. I realised then that there wasn’t actually anything wrong with me. My reaction to life’s experiences had been affecting me all my life. It wasn’t really me the person I am that was the problem.

I had never really learned coping skills for life’s events and traumas and I had never learned to accept myself as I am. I decided in the midst of all the chaos that was happening inside and around me that I was going to attend for this bio energy therapy.

I booked in for five sessions of bio energy healing therapy. My husband who was at his wits end at this stage agreed to take me to the bio energy healing therapy centre. I wasn’t promised any miraculous changes by the therapist / practitioner, but with the practitioner's help as the sessions progressed little by little I learned to let go of old belief systems and old conditioning which had dominated my life for so long.

The therapist /practitioner explained that no therapy would change what has happened in my life but by working on clearing and balancing my chakras and decreasing the intensity of some traumatic events in my life, I may be able to move on with my life and learn new coping mechanisms. When all the layers of conditioning were peeled away and discarded I found the being that is me that had been buried for years. I have learned that I can now accept myself as I am, and for me that is a massive achievement.
I never realised before this how powerful bio energy therapy can be in helping to heal the mental and emotional body and mental and emotional issues.

More Testimonials

Jenny - Dallas, USA

Quite by accident I found this self healing training course searching online. This was my first introduction to bio energy, chakras and energy fields which I had never heard or read about before. I was also very fearful and apprehensive about making a decision on a change of career. 

Alyson - Florence, Italy

Thank you, John, for answering all my questions during the animal healing course. It’s just that I was a total sceptic before learning how simple energy medicine works on my pets. When something works that is so simple like using my hands to heal my own two dogs.

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