Student Testimonials


Martin – New Jersey, USA

I would be an absolute sceptic about the existence of something I cannot see such as bio energy. I completed the online animal energy healing training course and started applying what I learned to my dog. After a few minutes of bio energy therapy Cleo stood up and walked away. 

Colin – Toronto, Canada

I was pleasantly surprised to find an energy healing training course online for animals. I had never heard of bio energy healing until I completed this course. I feel this course could be of benefit to anyone who works with animals professionally or may have an animal as a pet.

Ada – Oberhausan, Germany

I am a person who is always looking for something new to learn. I was told by a friend about an energy healing course for animals and I found the training course online. I went ahead and I completed the full course. Now I know I can help my dogs and cats any time they need healing

Stephen – Devon, UK

Your online sound healing training course opened up a future career for me. I bought Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, crystal quartz bowls plus other sound healing instruments. Since I started using them for my own self healing, my aches and pains have greatly diminished.

Jakai – South Africa

I have recently finished studying your online bio energy healing training course. I have been doing therapy using distant healing methods to help my mother many miles away. It was so easy to learn by just viewing each of the videos one by one and copying everything I could see. 

Damien – Glasgow, Scotland

I am now a certified sound healer / therapist. It all started when I found your website and your sound healing training course website online. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for except that I was looking for something interesting that would involve sound or music which I love. 

Mary Louise, New Jersey USA

It was difficult to see a sound healing course that stood out from the rest until I stumbled upon your sound healing online training course. Up to now I thought that a practical course like sound healing could not be learned online. Now I’m setting up in business as a sound healer.

Michelle – Glasgow, UK

The introduction to this online animal bio energy healing training course was priceless in helping me understand what bio energy healing was all about and how it could be applied to any animal. I learned how to help animals not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  

John – Texas, USA

Since completing the online animal bio energy healing training course I have a new sense of purpose. It was so easy to just click on a video for any of the techniques and watch  them. My eyes welled with tears of joy when I held my certified certificate in my hands for the first time.  

Susanne – Cornwall, UK

This online bio energy healing training course suited me perfectly. The way the course was presented on tutored lectures made it easy to follow. To learn I set up my laptop beside a therapy table and watched each lecture one after the other on video just copying what I saw.

Energy Healing Courses and Sound Healing Courses - Online Training Courses
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