Healing Articles

Self Healing

The four levels of compatibility for a successful relationship

The four levels of compatibility for a successful relationship

The relationships we have with other people can impact our mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. A healthy relationship has balance.

How to discover if you are a helper or you are an enabler

How to discover if you are a helper or you are an enabler

Helpers assist people to help and heal themselves. Enablers create and allow situations for another person to behave and live in an irresponsible manner.

10 simple ways to deal with fears on a day-to-day basis

10 simple ways to deal with fears on a day-to-day basis

Fear can be a healthy emotion. It can protect us from engaging in unhealthy or dangerous activities. But, if it is affecting or controlling our everyday lives,

How to Deal with the Traumatic Effects of Emotional Overwhelm

How to Deal with the Traumatic Effects of Emotional Overwhelm

Some people describe overwhelm as becoming over-powered or completely overcome by intense emotional pressures or challenges, or problems

Simple 3-Minute Relaxation Exercise for Anxiety, Stress or Tension

Simple 3-Minute Relaxation Exercise for Anxiety, Stress or Tension

Take 3 minutes of time out, for a very simple breathing exercise you can do straight away, to relax your body mind and spirit.

Using a heated wheat pack with bio energy healing to help with Tinnitus

Using a heated wheat pack with bio energy healing to help with Tinnitus

Some sufferers of Tinnitus describe a sound with varying pitch which can be high frequencies or low frequencies and for others

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