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Embracing the Transformative Power of Bio Energy Healing Therapy
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Sound Healing and Energy Therapy used to improve health for centuries
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Energy Healing
Learn How to Help Stimulate & Activate the Body’s Inner Healing Process
Energy Healing Therapy Methods are Now Used by Therapists Worldwide
Scientific Research on Energy Healing Methods and Techniques
The Most Comprehensive Energy Healing Training Course Online
How Energy Healing Techniques are now Used in Complementary Medicine
A Modern Approach to Ancient Natural Energy Healing Practices & Methods
Positive Feedback is the Best Validation for Using Energy Healing Methods
Everyone has the Ability to Become a Certified Therapist / Practitioner
The Human Body is not Solid - it is Comprised of Vibrating Energy Fields
Learn How You can 'Tune In’ to the Body’s Natural Life-Force Energy Field
Learn the Ways You can Apply Energy Healing Therapy Techniques?
How are Energy Healing Techniques and Applications used during Therapy?
Learn Bio Energy Healing by watching live demonstration videos
The benefit of combining bio energy healing therapy with massage
Many practitioners now adding bio energy to their reflexology practice
Many therapists now adding bio energy healing to their current practice
Healthcare professionals using distant healing during these challenging times
Binge eating, obesity and anorexia can lead to major Health Issues
Distant healing may help stressed parents during lockdown
There was no known physical reasons or cause for heart and chest pains
How the life-force energy of our body keeps us alive and healthy
Bio Energy Therapy is based on the principal of Vibrational medicine
At a cellular level the human body is a complex energy field system
Imbalance in chakras & our energy field can affect our health
How the brain reacts when we feel fear prepares for fight or flight
Does post-traumatic stress disorder result from anxiety and trauma?
How energy medicine is used in therapy to help restore a person’s health
The reason why colon cleansing is important in the modern world
Bio Energy Healing Therapy for Babies affected by shock or trauma
A beginner’s guide to bio energy & energy healing therapy
A client’s experience of a complete bio energy healing therapy session
The Science and Research Behind Bio Energy Healing Medicine
How to Follow Your Gut Feeling Instead of Going with Logic
An Open-minded Approach to the Development of Integrative Medicine
Becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner & Setting up your Own Business
Energy Healing Therapy Can Help You to Activate Your Uniqueness
Embracing the Transformative Power of Bio Energy Healing Therapy
Sound Healing
How Sound Healing may be Applied for Injury, Trauma, or Pain
Positive Feedback is the Best Validation for Sound Healing Therapy
Sound Healing Research on Energy Fields, Brain waves & Entrainment
Lectures Included in this Comprehensive Online Sound Healing Course
Selecting Tibetan Singing Bowls for use in Sound Healing Therapy
Ancient Sound Healing Methods of Shamans & Healers in use Today
How Crystal Quartz Bowls can Create Beautiful Sounds of the Spheres
How to Become a Successful Sound Therapist / Healer & Help Others to Heal
How Gongs Can Have a Profound Effect on Body, Mind and Spirit
Is There a Difference Between a Sound Therapist and a Sound Healer?
Sound Healing Is the New Self-Care Trend For Many People
The Benefits of Sound Healing and How it is Used in a Therapy Session
How Sound Healing Instruments are Used to Create a Sound Bath?
A Beginner’s Guide to How Easy it is to Learn Sound Healing Therapy
The Essence of Sound Healing Therapy May Include Intent & Empathy
Self Healing with Music and Sound is Experiencing a New Renaissance
The Difference Between Music Therapy and Sound Healing Therapy
All You Need to Know and Understand about Sound Healing
Sound Healing and Energy Therapy used to improve health for centuries
Distant Healing Using Sound Healing for Stress, Aches & Pains
From Accordion Music to Sound Healing Tibetan Singing Bowls
Using Tibetan singing bowls, and tuning forks with a gong bath
Deeper therapeutic healing effect with sound for body, mind and spirit
The human body reacts to music frequencies and sound vibrations
How sound vibrations are used to help boost the immune system
Entrainment Is the Basis of Sound Healing Therapy to the Human Body
How sound healing therapy is used for post-operative pain and stress
The sound of your voice is unique and part of your core being
The vibrations of singing bowls are magnified by the practitioner’s intent
Exploring The Body - Mind - Connection Using Sound Healing Therapy
Music and Sound as medicine has been in use for thousands of years
What is the Sound Healing Tomatis Method of Neurosensory Stimulation
The Evolution of Sound: From Primitive Instruments to Modern Healing
The Healing Harmony of Crystal Singing Bowls during Sound Therapy
Self Healing
The most comprehensive Self Healing course available today online
One of the most powerful sound instruments of all is your own voice
Healthy harmonious sounds do not invade the body’s energy field
How music or sound focuses our attention on the present moment
Using your own inner life-force energy ability to heal your own body
How to use two tuning forks to create silence and a moment of bliss
Everyone wants to be pain free, full of vitality, healthy and stress free
Do you have difficulty falling asleep & continuing to sleep peacefully?
Panic attacks may affect you but do not allow them to control you
Balance your life with the power of sound and the power of silence
A beginner’s guide to how easy it is to learn about Self Healing therapy
Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease can be stressful, bringing up feelings of guilt
10 Tips to help you if you are worried or anxious during Covid 19
Discover your amazing inner healing powers to heal yourself & others
Ankle sprain or fracture is one of the most common of all injuries
Achilles’ tendonitis injury and how bio energy therapy can help
Shin Splints very common amongst people who play team sports
The symptoms and general cause of shoulder pain or frozen shoulder
Self healing a knee posterior cruciate ligament injury with bio energy
Bio energy self healing technique for calf muscle cramp or strain
What can you do to help thigh muscle strain or a pulled muscle?
How a self healing method is used for elbow pain or tennis elbow
How the human body and mind responds to stress, anxiety and trauma
Sinus headaches and blocked sinuses related to food sensitivity
How stress, anxiety and overwork is leading some people to burnout
2022 is providing change and an opportunity to ‘re-invent’ yourself
Using a heated wheat pack with bio energy healing to help with Tinnitus
Simple 3-Minute Relaxation Exercise for Anxiety, Stress or Tension
How to Deal with the Traumatic Effects of Emotional Overwhelm
10 simple ways to deal with fears on a day-to-day basis
How to discover if you are a helper or you are an enabler
The four levels of compatibility for a successful relationship
Master Of Your Own Destiny in The Drama & The Play of Life
How to let go and heal from emotional trauma, pain and hurt
Holistic Healthcare – How to take better care of YOU through self-help
How to discover the perfect ‘you’ inside of you – A Golden Nugget
Are You Constantly Pushing Yourself Beyond Your Own Limitations?
The Power of Your Voice: Divine Healing Harmonic Resonance Mechanism
Animal Healing
The most comprehensive animal energy healing course on line today
How energy healing is applied to help clear and balance Animal Chakras
How animal energy healing helped to heal a horse’s injured fetlock
Animals communicate using sound for mating and warning of danger
How to recognise the signs of ill-health in your pet or any animal
Animals and birds have chakras and energy fields similar to humans
Animal energy healing for physical, emotional and mental issues
Principal of animal energy healing is based on the laws of physics
An animal’s physical and emotional body are connected via chakras
Unconscious injured bird recovers after bio energy healing therapy
A beginner’s guide to how easy it is to learn about Animal Energy Healing
Ancient bio energy healing techniques you can apply to your pet
Animals have feelings and are more than just their physical bodies
The strangest habit I have ever witnessed from a German shepherds
Our Cat Meany and Her Exploits with an intelligent Crow
German shepherd saves family from a possible gas heater disaster
Famous racing horse survives arthritis & injury with bio energy healing
Healing Case Studies
Chest pains, couldn’t breathe & I thought my heart was going to stop
Overweight, mood swings, low self worth and I was bullied in school
How Energy Healing stopped my teenager’s embarrassing bed wetting
I’d get panic attacks and be fearful if anyone stood or sat behind me
Energy Healing helped after my marriage break-up & depression
I suffered with an overwhelming fear of falling & a fear of heights
I was told that I would probably lose my leg because of the gangrene
I used sound healing and audio files which helped with my back pain
Energy healing therapy helped overcome fears of being seen or recognised
Doctors had found a large malignant growth in Sara’s right breast
How Sound Healing Therapy reduced swelling on my broken ankle
How Sound Healing Therapy helped my anxiety and panic attacks
My learning difficulties didn’t prevent me from studying sound healing
How sound healing therapy helped my aches, pains & mood swings
Oisin School of Bio-Energy CEO Receives a Special QQI Level 6 Award
How Shock or Trauma Can Cause Chakras to Become Blocked
Energy Healing Podcasts
Vinny – Okehampton, UK
Simon – Wales, UK
Odin – Alice Springs, Australia
Nahed – Dorset, UK
Mairead – Colchester, UK
Jonathan – Liverpool, UK
Leon – Frankfurt, Germany
Nancy – Mahone Bay, Canada
Ciaran – Stoke-on-Trent - UK
Sophia – New York, USA
Isla - Inverness, Scotland
Colm – Liverpool, UK
Abigail – Edmonton, Canada
Anita – Quebec, Canada
Abdul - India
Kevin - Durham, England
Jeffrey - Ohio, USA
Dermott – Dunkeid, Scotland
Ruth - Canada
Anya - Belfast, N Ireland
Una - Bedford, England
Jenny - Dallas, USA
Mick - Birmingham, UK
Kenneth - Wexford, Ireland
Matilo - Miri, Malaysia
Shirley – Edinborough, UK
Diana - Newry, N.Ireland
Liam - Norfolk, England
Carmen - Texas, USA
George - Wexford, Ireland
Gerard - London, UK
Sam - Rome, Italy
Rayyan - Malaysia
Michael - Florida, USA
Nuala - Los Angeles, USA
Jeremiah - Turin, Spain
Eithne - Huddersfield, UK
Jack, Belfast, NI
Jim - Wales, UK
Jason - Galway, Ireland
Martin – New Jersey, USA
Colin – Toronto, Canada
Ada – Oberhausan, Germany
Stephen – Devon, UK
Jakai – South Africa
Michelle – Glasgow, UK
Damien – Glasgow, Scotland
John – Texas, USA
Susanne – Cornwall, UK
Jane – Herefordshire, UK
Annette – Orihuela, Spain
Karen – Sydney, Australia
Patrick – Bristol, England
Estelle – Bordeaux, France
Geraldine – Middlesex, UK
James – Cork, Ireland
Alice - Dublin, Ireland
Anne – Hollyhead, Wales
Deirdre – Birmingham, UK
Moya – Dublin Ireland
Geri – Amsterdam, Holland
Geramy – Ohio, USA
Norman – Birmingham, UK
Marcey – Malaga, Spain
Daniel – Toronto, Canada
Mary Louise, New Jersey USA
Monica – St Augustine, USA
Padraig - Dublin, Ireland
Amelia - Brisbane, Australia
Salamat - Rosamie, Philipines
Kirk - Ayr, Scotland
Maria - New Plymouth, New Zealand
Kristin - Birmingham, UK
Grainne - Kerry, Ireland
Coleen – Mayo, Ireland
Angela - Surrey, United Kingdom
Athol - Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Gisela - Aachen, Germany
Berat - Ismir, Turkey
Delia - Goderich, Canada
Alan - Luton, England
Andria – Salt-lake City - US
Fran - Kildare, Ireland
Hugo - Paignton, England
Alyson - Florence, Italy
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